High blood pressure: symptoms and treatment
High blood pressure, the symptoms of which we will considerin this article, often gives people a lot of inconvenience. Arterial pressure is one of the most important of those parameters that characterize the functioning of our circulatory system. 120/80 mm Hg. Art. - this should be the pressure of an absolutely healthy adult person.
In this case, the first digit denotessystolic blood pressure. This indicator gives us an opportunity to learn about what our pressure is at the very moment when the heart contracts, and then pushes the blood, which later falls into the arteries. It directly depends on the strength with which the heart is contracting
The figure that follows the systolic indexpressure is diastolic. This is an indicator of pressure in the arteries at the very moment when the heart muscle relaxes. The presence of arterial hypertension can be said in the event that there is a steady increase in these indicators.
Hypertension appears when the walls of blood vesselsnarrowing - this makes the flow of blood difficult. In this situation, the heart begins to work with a heavy load, since it is much harder to supply organs with blood than usual.
High blood pressure, the symptoms of which are different,is a big problem. Often it is very difficult to get rid of it. High blood pressure and low heart rate are a serious cause for concern. Problems with this can begin at any age.
High blood pressure: symptoms
There are many diseases associated with this disease, but commonSymptoms abound. To begin with, we note that the patient always weakens. It is difficult for him not that to work, but even just to walk. When you move, dizziness often occurs. They increase with sharp movements. The patient may fall into a swoon, if it suddenly stands up.
Symptoms of high blood pressure include flies before the eyes. In neglected cases a person because of them can get lost in the surrounding space.
A rapid heartbeat occurs without a cause. With physical activity, it can go off scale. In some cases, on the contrary, it becomes more rare.
Patients complain of a headache. Migraines are tormented day and night. Also, noise in the ears is possible.
High pressure is called differently. This and hypertension, and arterial hypertension, and hypertension, or simply high blood pressure. The essence is not in the title, but in the fact that this ailment is a problem for many.
Over time, high blood pressure, the symptoms of whichextremely unpleasant, becomes chronic. The walls of the arteries become thicker, and the blood flow is more and more difficult. As a result, a stroke or a heart attack may occur. It is high blood pressure that is the most common cause of both.
Treatment of this disease
Experienced people perfectly know how to bring down the pressureat home. There are many ways (to eat beets, cranberries, viburnum, to drink freshly squeezed lemon juice), but do not forget about the danger of this disease and about the fact that the doctor needs to show it as often as possible.
Drugs to reduce a lot("Captopril", "Metallopril", "Enalopril"). However, only those approved by the attending physician should be accepted. Reducing the pressure with medications is easy and quick.
Treatment should be thoroughly thought out. Do not forget that a high disease can simply be a symptom of some other, more serious ailment. Complex treatment is aimed at eliminating all provoking factors.
In fact, in many cases, high blood pressurecan be warned. Prevention measures are different. To the most simple and pleasant one can include physical exercises, constant walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition, hardening, rest.