Extravagant disease - high diastolic pressure. Causes and consequences
High pressure is familiar to many. Headache, pounding in the ears, unpleasant breathlessness, pain in the sternum, "fluttering" of the heart. In addition, for such a diagnosis characterized by dizziness, severe severe heart pain. If you endure the jumps of blood pressure for a long time, your eyesight will begin to fall, because the irrevocable changes in the vessels of the whole body will gradually occur, including the eyeball. In any case, high blood pressure is dangerous because blood circulation in the brain is broken, heart failure, kidney failure, all chronic diseases of internal organs become aggravated.
High blood pressure usually meansincreased systolic and diastolic parameters. If only the diastolic (lower) is increased, the doctor should be especially cautious with prescriptions so as not to lower the normal systolic pressure below the critical limit. When it is revealed exactly high diastolic pressure, the reasons can be very different. For example, this indicates a reduced cardiac output with a possibly increased vascular resistance. Accordingly, a thorough and thorough examination of the heart and all vessels is necessary.
If you have contacted a doctor, because youconstantly leaping high diastolic pressure, causes, this is what he will start to figure out from the very beginning, while trying to lower it at the same time. He will begin, most likely, with adjustments of a food, a way of life, a diet. If this does not help, he will be forced to prescribe medication.
Approach in the treatment of high diastolic pressure
To find out the cause of abnormal indicators,it is desirable to hospitalize the patient and conduct a survey. And the treatment itself can be treated by the patient himself, at home. If this condition is complicated by hypertensive crises, high diastolic pressure, the reasons can be hidden in the violation of the internal organs, in severe chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, heart and arterial pathology, kidney failure, etc.).
After a complete examination of all organs (CAS,endocrine system, urinary tract, etc.), when all possible diseases of the internal organs are excluded, the patient will be diagnosed with "essential hypertension" or hypertension.
If high diastolic blood pressurethe main cause of this condition will be treated. For example, if there are abnormalities in the blood vessels or a defect in the aortic valve, surgical care will be required. If the cause is hidden in this, then after the operation, the pressure is normalized.
As with any other type of hypertension,the patient will be recommended to adhere to the right way of life - healthy food, activity, full rest. If the patient is overweight, the diet will be the first requirement of the treating doctor. And this is not an excess, because every extra kilogram is a blow to the heart. Optimum nutrition for hypertensive patients is a fruit and vegetable and cereal-and-milk diet. Method of cooking for such a disease - cooking, baking, stewing. All food should be low-fat, servings are moderate, but there are a lot of meals (4-6). Seafood in the diet must be present. You can eat greasy sea fish (because of the huge amount of healthy fats). The use of salt should be limited (not completely excluded!), As well as sweet and flour products.
Drug therapy of diastolic hypertension
Unfortunately, drugs that reducediastolic pressure practically does not exist. Therefore, the patient will be prescribed ACE inhibitors. In some cases, receptor blockers can also be prescribed. All treatment should be taken constantly to prevent complications in the work of internal organs due to constant tension in the vessels and only then there will be a noticeable and steady decrease in diastolic pressure.
ACE inhibitors lead to a decrease in arterialpressure due to inhibition of the formation of angiotensin II from angiotensin I. Angiotensin I - a substance of protein nature, formed from blood plasma, does not have a pressure-enhancing effect, in contrast to group II. This group of drugs is very well tolerated (ramipril, enalapril, ramipril, etc.), but in rare cases causes a strong incessant cough. In such cases, it is necessary to appoint blockers of receptors directed to angiotensin II (Lozartrand et al.).
Strictly following all the doctor's recommendations, controlling the systolic pressure (so that it does not fall strongly under the influence of drugs) and normalizing high diastolic pressure (the causes will be gradually clarified), we get a chance to bring the pressure back to normal.