Diastolic pressure is what it is.
The problem of pressure, we can say, is the most importantfor the human body. After all, people can not control this process. It can rise or fall at any time, regardless of your desire. I'm familiar with this issue, not by hearsay, but mostly problems with pressure experienced during pregnancy. Already after I gave birth, partial signs of differences remained, from which I was not at all delighted.
I would like to tell the readers about whatsuch a diastolic pressure, and how to deal with it. After all, many people know about other species not by hearsay, but this is for certain little known. Although it may be that only the name and not the symptoms are unfamiliar.
Surely you know about blood pressure (BP)from personal experience, but do you know that it is divided into two indicators. The upper BP is called systolic, but the lower one is diastolic. Both are very important for the body and any change in them indicates a violation. It is known that some patients with systolic blood pressure are contraindicated in many medications.
To begin with, I remind readers that such aarterial pressure. They call the total pressure in the arteries, divided into species according to the differences in blood vessels. So it turns out that, than the vessel is closer to the heart, the wider it is in diameter, and the higher the blood pressure. And this is the upper figure of pressure.
The lower, second figure of blood pressure,diastolic pressure (YES). That is, it indicates the minimum value during diastole (when the heart muscle relaxes). The parameters of DA depend directly on the resistance of the arteries (peripheral). The height of DA is determined mainly by the frequency of pulsations, the level of patency of the system of small arteries, and the elasticity of arterial walls. The greater the resistance of their walls, and the frequency of cardiac contractions is higher, plus the elastic low resistance of the walls of large arteries, the higher the diastolic pressure.
As blood flows through the arteries,to decrease pressure, and therefore in small blood vessels (capillaries) it already practically does not depend on the strength of cardiac discharges of blood. It is also known that the state of the kidneys has a direct effect on the walls of the arteries. And if to be exact, then the tone of their muscles. The renin substance, which is biologically active, is secreted by the kidneys, and it also increases the muscle tone of the blood vessels. And, as a consequence - increased diastolic pressure, which is why it is often called "renal."
But these are all medical terms that you probably do not understand. So try to explain to you a little easier. Let's analyze first the raised diastolic blood pressure.
Increasing blood pressure to 140/90 is already dangerous and speaks aboutthe possible onset of arterial hypertension. The lower limit of the norm should not exceed 90/60. Sometimes some one indicator changes, and the second one keeps to normal. In this case, you need to focus on the indicator of change.
In a healthy person, the level of DA fluctuates in the limit of 65 s plus or minus 10 mm Hg. After 50 years, the norm of DA is 80 - 89, and in middle age 70 - 80.
It is important to know that if you have low diastolic pressure (hypotension), and there are symptoms of low blood flow, then youmarked decrease in blood flow through veins and arteries. And it turns out that the flow of blood is low and does not have time to deliver the right amount of nutrients and oxygen to important organs for human life. These are the kidneys and the heart, the brain. And as a result, a pathological process can develop.
There are people who have always had pressureincreased, and suddenly shows 100/60. This indicator will speak of a decrease in YES. Then you should seek advice from doctors, specialists in this field.