Pressure 130 to 90, or the onset of hypertension
According to statistical data, more than 90% of allpeople have ever had problems with blood pressure. The pressure rises and falls depending on many factors, among which most often there is an inferior sleep, the absence of a single rhythm of life, a sharp change in the weather in the region, flights in the terrain with other climatic conditions. The older the person becomes, the higher the risk of hypertension. To treat hypertension is extremely difficult, so it is more expedient and easier to conduct its prevention and monitor the increase in blood pressure in its early stages. So, for example, do not wait until the indices of the tonometer fix the pressure 130 to 110, if there is an opportunity to take the necessary measures when the device shows a pressure of 130 to 90.
If a person has had low blood pressure all his life,He should not trust the generally accepted figures given in the article. For someone, the indicators 110 to 70 are working pressure, and for someone this is an occasion to turn to a cardiologist. If you, on the contrary, have a high blood pressure all your life, do not panic, if the tonometer shows a pressure of 130 to 100, listen to your body and assess how you will endure such a load, taking into account your personal "working" indicators. Nevertheless, do not forget that according to statistics the initial stage of hypertension is diagnosed in people who have a pressure of 130 to 90.
Arterial pressure has two quantitativeSystolic and diastolic pressure. These are the two indicators you see when you measure pressure with a tonometer. Systolic pressure is blood pressure with a contraction of the heart muscle, and diastolic pressure is the index of pressure with the maximum relaxation of the heart muscle in the interval between heart beats. Too small a difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure indicates a weak work of the heart muscles and can signal the initial stage of heart disease. That's why the pressure of 130 to 90 is not as dangerous as 110 to 90 or 100 to 80.
Many hypertensive patients note that in the doctor's officedevices show a higher pressure than at home. This is not an anomaly, this difference is due to the patient's excitement. Everyone knows that when you become agitated, the pulse becomes more frequent, and with it the pressure also increases slightly. In hypertensive patients this symptom is expressed more clearly. Another "anomaly" observed by hypertensive patients is the difference in the parameters of the tonometer when pressure is measured on the left and right hands. This is due to the peculiarities of the location and structure of the arteries, and the greater the difference, the greater the likelihood of further aggravation of the disease. When measuring the pressure on the left hand, the indicators are usually higher, since the heart is on the left side. It is this indicator that more accurately reflects the patient's real condition.
If your pressure is 130 to 90 and you do not know,Consider whether this is the beginning of hypertension or simply a consequence of the temporary stressful state of the body, determine if you observe other symptoms of hypertension. Already at the initial stage of the disease there are headaches, the person is tortured with sleep disorders, he is constantly hot, can be bothered by aching pain in the region of the heart, there is increased anxiety and fatigue, sweating and tinnitus. If the pressure is caused by a one-time stressful condition, the person is usually overworked and the level of his anxiety is slightly reduced, the body's temperature balance does not change, tinnitus and sweating are not observed. Pain in the heart in a state of stress occurs often, but it is not the pain of the heart muscles, as in hypertension, but the manifestation of intercostal neuralgia. If you do not have symptoms of hypertension and pressure "jumped" because of stress, you do not need to rejoice: according to statistics, chronic stress is one of the most frequent causes of hypertension.