When is it better to pay debts? What days can not you give money? Signs
Few people know that money is banknotes,possessing magical properties. It is important to properly treat them to be a successful and wealthy person. From this article you will find out when it is better to pay debts, which means each denomination and much more.
How to lend money correctly
Tired of poverty? Do you want money to be constantly raised? First of all, think about whether you can properly borrow. Your financial condition depends on it in the future. Read on, why and when it is better to pay debts.
First, think about the amount that you can borrow. Do not ask for more, if you understand that you will not be able to give it on time.
You just will not be trusted, and you can not turn to this person for help anymore.
If it's time to pay back, do not say thatyou do not have this amount. Never regret the lost money. Remember: one money was given, it will come much more precisely at the moment when you will least expect. Do not forget that you took other people's money, which will not bring joy, if you will regret them.
To avoid financial problems in the future,lend money only when you really need them and can not do without them. Do not buy another fur coat or car. If you know that you can do without this thing, you better tolerate it when you are able to independently collect a certain amount.
How to properly repay a debt
Never return money after sunset. There is an opinion that they will go away forever, and a new amount will not arrive to you soon. For example, they will delay your salary, lose your wallet, etc. It is undesirable to give money in the evening, the sign is really very bad.
Even in ancient times it was noticed that it is impossiblegive money on Monday, Tuesday and Sunday. These days are considered non-financial. Try to refrain, no matter how much you want to get rid of debt quickly.
If you still decided to return the money to the eveningtime or non-financial days, then do not give them in hand. Put on a shelf, bedside table, table or chair. It is desirable that the surface is wooden, not plastic.
Try not to repay the debt in small bills. Remember that then you will have the same amount of money. Therefore, it is better to return large bills, then you will see stability and improvement in business.
On bad days, never return money in amounts where there are such figures as 2 and 0. It is they who take away your solvency and will not allow you to earn in the future.
We have already sorted out a little when it is better to give back debts. Still not hurt to find out the denomination of monetary denominations. After all, a lot depends on them in the life of each person.
Notation of money amounts
Each number has its own purpose. Every person should know what a particular figure means, because financial well-being depends on it.
Let's start with the number 1, which does not bring eithergood, or bad. However, this is a small bill, which is undesirable to borrow. But figure 2 brings a failure to a person, especially if after it - one or more zeros. It can be such bills as 20, 200, 2000 and so on.
The figure 3 brings good luck, but from it do not wait for specialsavings, but 4 is just stability and nothing more. From the note with the number 5 comes only financial well-being and luck in all endeavors.
Denominations with a figure of 6 or 7 bring not only well-being, but also help to accumulate a certain amount. However, there is an opinion that they should not be given in hand, but put on a mahogany.
The figure 8 is a lottery. You never know what to expect from it. It can both bring happiness, and take it. But the figure 9 absolutely does not contribute to the accumulation.
What you need to know the debtor
There is a statement that you can not borrow money on Tuesday. There is an opinion that after a year you will not be able to deal with financial problems. Money will go away quickly, but it's hard to come.
You can never give money in the evening. It is believed that later it will be very difficult to give them away. Especially you can not even collect the right amount, because the evening time badly affects money.
In debt, take only those people with whom youit is pleasant to communicate, and you feel pleasant energy from them. After all, from bad people you can bring troubles into the house. It is possible that they will give you negative energy.
When borrowing, it is better to offer something to get. Then you not only provide yourself with stability, but you will repay the debt much more quickly. After all, you want to pick up your favorite thing.
Remember: Before you lend big money, you should know for sure that you can give them. After all, in this way you attract or repel your financial success. It all depends on how easily and quickly you give the debt. Other people's money should always be returned, not appropriated, as they will not help you get rich.
The period of the waning moon
Much has been said about the fact that you can not take or give money in the evening. However, if you give the debt to the waning moon, then you will become a more successful person.
This was noticed by our ancestors, who believed in signs and superstitions.
If you gave up the debt in the period of the waning moon, thencome home and do a simple ritual. In a dark room light the candle and read the "Our Father" prayer three times. At this moment there should be complete silence in the room. In a month you will be convinced of your financial well-being.
To make money in the house, in a period of decreasingmoon, put a large bill in a corner where no one can reach it. Exactly in 3 weeks it will get. And so continue every month on the waning moon.
To make money in the house
For this, there are many signs and rituals. One of them is to create a monetary atmosphere in the room in which you live. Mandatory in the main room should be a money tree. It is it that brings luck in the financial direction.
Always try to pay off big debtsbanknotes, as they store in themselves a strong energy that does not part with the owner. Small bills, on the contrary, take away luck and bring it to the person who lent it.
Never give out direct bills. They should be folded in half or folded into a tube. It is believed that direct money takes away from you a positive energy.
Be sure to return the debts on time. Only then you will begin to disappear financial problems. Always remember that other people's money never brought good luck. And if you will be in time to repay debts, then they will always meet you and help you in a difficult situation.
Money amulets by Fengshui
First of all, your room should betalismans, which attract not only rubles or hryvnia, but also dollars. These are such amulets as a frog of a gilded color on three paws. Such a talisman should stand on the desktop, where negotiations are held, reports are created and so on.
There are three Chinese coins that are tightenedred thick thread. Such a talisman should be hung in the kitchen, preferably above the stove. It is he who helps in a difficult moment, and you will always have money for food.
The talisman in the form of a ship, filled with money,must stand in the hall where the family discusses the problems. He attracts financial well-being to the house. There is an opinion that you can take a ship with you on a business trip or on vacation. Then you will never experience difficulties on the road.
If there is a student in the family, be sure toThere should be a small fountain in the table. With its spray all the time animating positive energy, so in the children's area will be a calm and friendly atmosphere.
However, the above talismans help only when you take care of them and believe in their strength.
The magical properties of money
Everyone knows the proverb: "A penny is saving a penny". And this is true. The right economy does not hurt anyone. If you spend money wisely, understand the importance and need for purchases, then each person will be able to save a penny from each salary.
No wonder they say: "Money loves the account." Many people do not count the change or money on return. Such negligence can lead to poverty. After all, a person is prone to make mistakes, and he can by mistake give the wrong amount. If you do not count the money on time, you can not prove that you were given the wrong amount. Especially when you need to count big money.
Another property, defined by the people: You always need to give money without regret, and take them with a smile and joy on your face. Here you can say about charity. Donate a little money to an old grandmother - and you will see how after a while your financial state will start to improve.
You can not lend to the poor, who do not haveconstant work and the desire to improve their lives. After all, such a person will not learn anything. Therefore, in order not to get negative energy from them, try not to have any financial questions with them.
From the article you learned when it is better to give back debts. If you observe the signs, adhere to the basic rules, then the problems will not be financially. After all, all of the above proverbs, magical properties and symbols of sums of money did not come from nowhere.
Many years ago people began to notice some kind ofFeatures related to money, and began to compare them with certain situations. So they came to the conclusion, when it is better to give money, borrow, and what to do, so that in the house there are always large bills.