/ / Blood test for hepatitis

Blood test for hepatitis

Hepatitis is a disease in which a virusHepatitis affects liver cells, disrupting all its vital functions for the human body. As a rule, this disease is transmitted in two ways - with unprotected sex and when contaminated blood enters the bloodstream of a healthy person (with blood transfusions, from mother to fetus, while performing tattoos, etc.).

According to statistics of the World Health Organization all over the world, several hundred million people suffer from hepatitis B and C. One of the main

blood test for hepatitis
the reasons for the growth of this disease is an increase in the number of drug addicts taking drugs intravenously.

Infectious hepatitis is very dangerousa disease that absolutely everyone can get. To determine the type of disease it is necessary to conduct a blood test for hepatitis. This study is assigned to people who have the following symptoms:

  • Constant sensation of weakness of the whole body.

  • Skin, mucous membranes of the mouth and sclera of the eyes acquired a yellowish tinge.

  • Decreased appetite or total refusal to eat.

  • Occurrence of vomiting or very frequent desires to it.

  • There is discoloration of feces and darkening of urine.

  • Unpleasant sensations in the right side.

blood test for hepatitis with
Infectious hepatitis is a disease thatmay not manifest itself for a long time. At the same time, the person, being the carrier of the virus, does not experience any clinical signs. If, in this case, a blood test is done for hepatitis, then he will certainly identify one marker of the disease. Then the patient must necessarily be registered with an infectious disease specialist.

In chronic hepatitis, the symptoms of the diseaseare practically absent or have a weak manifestation in the form of general weakness and rapid fatigue. But, as a rule, most people do not pay attention to this sign of the disease. As a result, the disease begins to progress and can lead to irreparable consequences.

When it is necessary to take an analysis for hepatitis C:

  • After an accidental unprotected sexual intercourse.

  • In preparation for the operation.

  • When planning a pregnancy.

  • When an increased level of liver enzymes is detected.

  • After visiting the dentist's office.

Who should take the test for hepatitis C:

  • People suffering from cholestasis (delayed withdrawal of bile).

  • Drug addicts who inject drugs intravenously.

  • Physicians who have constant contact with blood.

  • Blood donors.

analysis for hepatitis with
The blood test for hepatitis C should be taken in the morning andpreferably on an empty stomach (on an empty stomach). It is worth remembering that the detection of the virus by laboratory methods is possible only 6 weeks after infection. Therefore, this analysis must be submitted only after this time.

If laboratory tests reveal a virushepatitis C, the patient is assigned a liver biopsy, which is necessary to obtain more accurate information about the localization of the virus in the liver and the degree of its damage.

Doctors recommend a blood test forhepatitis 2 times a year. Then there will be an opportunity to diagnose the disease in time. The sooner it is revealed, the better the disease will be treatable.

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