/ / As indicated by elevated platelets in children

As evidenced by elevated platelets in children

A lot can tell a common blood test. Platelets, leukocytes, erythrocytes contained in the blood react to the presence of any pathological conditions in the body, and therefore their increase or, conversely, the decrease allows early detection of various diseases.

elevated platelets in children
Platelets are the smallest denuclearized diskblood cells, or rather, not even cells, but their fragments. They are produced by megakaryocytes in the red bone marrow and are responsible for clotting of blood. The number of platelets in the internal environment of the child's body is not the same at different ages. To determine their level, take a few milliliters of blood from the finger.

Symptoms of thrombocytosis

Attentive parents can have their childSuspected elevated platelets. In children and adults, this condition is called thrombocytosis. If the cellular fragments in the blood are present in excessive amounts, they can without the need to block blood vessels and form blood clots, which is very dangerous. It manifests itself, as a rule, in increasing bleeding (especially often there are causeless nasal bleeding), periodic swelling of the hands, feet, dizziness, general weakness. When all these symptoms are observed in the complex, it can be assumed that the child has thrombocytosis, however, to confirm a possible diagnosis, a blood test must be performed.

low platelet counts in a child

Elevated platelets in children in the blood cantestify to many things. It is impossible to determine on its own why the increase occurred. A pediatrician can help in this, and if he does not succeed in establishing the cause, he will refer you to a hematologist - a blood specialist. Elevated platelets in children may have a primary or secondary nature. So, the primary thrombocytosis is a consequence of hereditary or acquired blood diseases, such as erythremia, myeloleukemia. The cause of secondary thrombocytosis is often an infectious disease (eg, meningitis, pneumonia, hepatitis), in which the body intensively begins to produce a platelet-promoting hormone to suppress the inflammatory process. In addition, elevated platelets in children can be observed after any surgical operations or under severe stress.

total blood platelet count

A high level of blood in the thrombocytes leads tothe fact that the blood becomes thicker than it should normally be. To dilute it, special medicines are used, but this can be achieved through the use of certain products. Lowering the level of platelets can be achieved by reducing protein and animal foods in the diet, eliminating fatty, spicy, roasted, including in the menu berries, especially sour (sea buckthorn, sea bass, cranberry, dogrose, currant), lemon, celery, ginger, pomegranate, etc. Of course, these foods should be eaten in moderate doses. Sometimes improper nutrition leads to the fact that during the blood test, low platelets are detected. In a child, this phenomenon can also be caused by infection, allergy, malignant formation, anemia, tuberculosis.

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