/ / Diagnosis: hepatitis C. How much can an infected person live?

Diagnosis: hepatitis C. How much can an infected person live?

Many people can get hepatitis C and evennot learn about it. The disease often goes in mild form, with symptoms similar to the flu or cold. But the virus remaining in the blood will continue to destroy the liver cells, and the rate of destruction is individual. Staying in ignorance is dangerous. According to WHO, more than 170 million people on the planet are chronically ill with hepatitis C. And this is only official data.

Hepatitis C how much can I live

To be at peace with respect to yourtrue position, it is better to donate blood for hepatitis in order to prevent it. The analysis will show the presence or absence of the virus. But it is necessary to take tests periodically, because we are exposed to the danger of getting infected every day. Physicians, drug addicts and HIV carriers should be examined first. And even prosperous citizens who have visited a beauty salon can be infected there.
So, you passed the test for hepatitis C, a positivethe result may sound like a sentence. But this is not so. It is difficult to answer the question: "If the diagnosis is hepatitis C, how much can you live with it?" After all, the answer depends on many factors. Scientists say that some people undergo liver destruction under the influence of the virus for 50 years. Allocate factors that can significantly slow the progression of the disease. These include the state of the human immune system, the right way of life, the treatment started in time, the absence of other chronic diseases, such as diabetes or obesity.

donate blood for hepatitis
If a person is right about hishealth, he should not be scared even by the diagnosis of "hepatitis C". How much you can live with it, depends on the behavior, lifestyle and opportunities. Treatment against the development of the virus is very expensive, but even it does not give a 100% result. The most important thing is attention to your health, adherence to a prescribed diet, the passage of prescribed procedures, moderate exercise, improving immunity in all possible ways. For a society infected with hepatitis C are not dangerous, and observing the simplest precautions, you can protect your loved ones from possible transmission of infection. It happens only through the blood, so various kinds of bleeding should cause anxiety and a special attitude. In other cases, relatives and relatives are not threatened. It's another matter to answer a drug addict or alcoholic with a diagnosis of "hepatitis C", how much you can live.
Hepatitis C positive
If the lifestyle does not change, predictionsare unfavorable. The disease can develop very quickly, the destruction of the liver will lead to the development of problems with the cardiovascular system, the genitourinary and digestive systems.

So, although hepatitis C is a dangerous disease,yet this is not a verdict. Life goes on, it can be interesting and full, even if your diagnosis is hepatitis C. How much you can live a person infected with a virus is not easy to answer. The main thing is to diagnose at an early stage and begin treatment, and then do not cease to enjoy life in every moment and take care of yourself. The statistics show that many patients with hepatitis die for other, completely foreign reasons.

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