The drug "Almagel Neo": instructions for use and general recommendations
The preparation "Almagel Neo" instructions for usedescribes it as a very effective tool with a wide spectrum of action. So, this drug is able to envelop the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, adsorb all kinds of irritants that have got into it, and also has a pronounced carminative and antacid effects.
The composition of this drug includes two maincomponent that determines the specificity of its action is magnesium hydroxide, as well as algeldate, better known in medical and pharmaceutical science as aluminum hydroxide. In connection with such a specific formulation, the preparation "Almagel Neo" describes the use instruction as having the property to reduce the percentage of hydrochloric acid present in the gastric juice of the patient, and also to facilitate its rapid neutralization. In doing so, when taking the drug may show a slight laxative effect, as well as a clear reduction in pain that occurs in the stomach, which gives reason to consider the drug to some extent anesthetic.
A very important moment for many patientsbecomes the fact that the drug acts for a long time, which guarantees long-term comfort and no need to take large doses of the drug. Besides, "Almagel Neo", reviews about which both doctors and patients are mostly positive, has a unique property to regulate acidity without the formation of air bubbles. This avoids such common side effects as bloating, flatulence or belching.
Significant is the fact that the drugis released in the form of a gel, and this guarantees its quick and gentle action. The covering of the walls of the stomach occurs evenly, which makes it possible to avoid the repeated release of hydrochloric acid in some parts of the gastric walls.
Medication "Almagel": indications for use
The property of the gel does not irritate the walls of the stomach andExtinguish the action of hydrochloric acid makes the range of use of the drug quite wide. So, it is recommended to take it even if there is any discomfort in the stomach or intestine caused by excessive consumption of foods and drinks that can provoke irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Acute or fried foods, alcohol, strong medications, or just a sharp diet change (for example, when changing climatic zones) can cause stomach pain, heartburn, eructation - it is in these cases that you advise taking Almagel Neo preparation instructions for use.
In addition, use this toolIt is also shown in the case of exacerbation of gastritis, especially if it is accompanied by increased acidity of gastric juice, food poisoning, duodenitis, flatulence, peptic ulcer and other diseases capable of provoking excessive release of hydrochloric acid.
Doctors say that to receive thisThere are practically no contraindications, and there are very few of them. So, the drug "Almagel Neo" instruction for use does not recommend use only if the patient has violations of the kidney and excretory system, and Alzheimer's disease. Due to the fact that the influence on the functioning of the digestive system of infants has not been studied enough, do not use "Almagel Neo" in the treatment of gastric colic in children under 1 month.
For other categories of patientsthere are no contraindications for treatment with this medication. As for a possible overdose, the instruction says that until now such cases have not been noted in pharmaceutical and medical practice, which allows to speak about the absence of obvious symptoms.