/ / The drug "Menovazin." Instructions for use

The drug "Menovazin". Instructions for use

The medicinal preparation "Menovazin" representsa complex agent, which includes components that provide local anti-inflammatory action and reduce pain. Pharmacological industry produces this medication in the form of ointment and solution.

The drug "Menovazin", instructions for usewhich acquaints us with the action of this medication, is recommended for external use. It is used to relieve pain caused by bruises and sprains in sports injuries, as well as to eliminate pathological processes caused by osteochondrosis. Treatment with this drug is recommended for neuralgia of intercostal nature, as well as with deforming osteoarthritis. The drug "Menovazine", whose composition is unique, includes novocaine, menthol and anesthesin. The auxiliary component is ethyl alcohol.

The drug "Menovazine", the instruction on which recommends the main areas of use, is recommended for:

-extension of ligaments;

arthritis and arthrosis;

-polyarthritis of rheumatoid nature;


- relief from pain with radiculitis and osteochondrosis;

-complex treatment of hemorrhoids.

The medicine "Menovazin" is referred to the group of antipruritic drugs. Due to the presence of menthol among the main components, the drug acts as a distraction, inhibiting the excitation of membranes in nerve fibers.

The medicine "Menovazin", the instruction forthe application of which gives the main recommendations for its use, applied to clean skin in places of pain. The area of ​​application of the preparation is massaged until the drug is completely absorbed. When using the drug "Menovazine" the nerve endings are irritated and a pronounced sensation of cold, tingling and light burning of the skin appear. Local anesthetic effect is manifested in an easy degree.

The drug "Menovazin", instructions for usewhich describes the main indications for taking medication, is recommended for neuralgia, myalgia and arthralgia. This tool is used by adult patients, as well as children, from the age of twelve.

The centers of painful sensations are rubbed from two tothree times during the day. The duration of the course is determined by a specialist taking into account the degree of disease and the effect of the drug and does not exceed one month. Consideration is given to the combination of taking the drug with other medicines. Repeat the course of treatment is possible after a break determined by a specialist.

Has the drug "Menovazin" contraindications to HimDo not recommend patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug. The drug is prohibited for children under the age of three.

Undesirable side effects of the medicine "Menovazin" are:

Local irritation of the skin;

- golovruzheniya and weakness;

-Disease of blood pressure.

Contraindications drug "Menovazin" whenpregnancy, and also does not have lactation. Substances that are active components are not absorbed through the skin into the blood and therefore do not affect the basic physiological processes occurring in the body. Women in the period of waiting for the child, use the drug "Menovazine" to eliminate pain symptoms in the back and in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The drug helps in this period to get rid of the severity, as well as edema in the lower limbs.

The drug "Menovazine" is not applied todamaged skin areas and foci of allergic reactions. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to take into account the effect of the main components of the drug (novocaine and anesthesin), which weaken the antibacterial effect from the use of sulfanilamide medicaments.

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