/ / The drug "Aktar". Instructions for use

The drug "Aktar". Instructions for use

"Agent" refers to insecticidal drugs. It is used for spraying as well as for soil application. In the latter case, the agent has a pronounced systemic effect.

The drug "Aktar". Application

The agent has an intestinal-contact effect. Insecticide is used to protect the currant from aphids, potatoes from the beetle (Colorado), floral plants - from thrips, whitefly, scabs, aphids.

instruction manual

The drug "Aktar". Instructions for use

For the treatment of potatoes, the agent is used indose 0.6-0.8 g per 5 liters of water per hundred weights. One package is designed for 5-6.7 hundred parts. The protective effect lasts for three to four weeks. With proper use, one treatment is sufficient to prevent the activity of the beetle. The tool "Aktara" (the instruction contains such information) is distinguished by good rain resistance. So, if precipitation fell two hours after spraying, then there is no need to re-process the plants. The agent is able to penetrate the leaves. This provides effective and lasting protection regardless of the weather. In this case, the insecticide does not penetrate into the tubers. To protect the currant, the "Aktara" preparation is recommended for use before the beginning of flowering, during the appearance of the leaves. Repeated spraying is carried out at the end of the season.

actar application
The drug is consumed at a rate of 2 g / 10 l literswater, ten liters of a ready solution - for forty bushes. High efficiency of insecticide specialists note when processing pot plants. For spraying the preparation in an amount of 4 g. dissolve in five liters of water. Working fluid is consumed at a rate of 2 liters per 100 square meters. Protection against whitefly and aphid ornamental and flower crops with the drug "Aktara" instruction for use recommends that the norm is 4 gr. on 8 liters of water. The resulting solution is sufficient for spraying 80 sq.m. A remedy in the amount of 4 g. 5 liters of water is used to protect against thrips. The resulting solution is sufficient for spraying 50 sq.m.

The drug "Aktar". Instructions for use. Features of preparation

actar instruction manual

Mixing is carried out on an openair. It is recommended (for convenience) to prepare a mother liquor. A liter of water dissolves the contents of the packet. Mixing is carried out in a container of volume, for example, one and a half to two liters. To make the working fluid, the spray tank is poured into a quarter with water. For processing potatoes add 150-200 ml, for currants - 250, for flower crops - 600 ml of mother liquor. The resulting mixture is brought to a volume of five liters. The spray tank is closed and vigorously shaken.

Means of "Aktar". Instructions for use. additional information

The drug is highly toxic to bees,low toxicity for aquatic organisms, fish, birds, earthworms. When sprayed, the protective action lasts for fourteen to twenty-eight days, when introduced into the soil - from forty to sixty days. The food of insects ceases after half an hour after treatment. In a day there is a complete death of pests.

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