/ / What to do if the jaw hurts near the ear

What to do if the jaw hurts near the ear

The reasons for which the jaw hurts near the ear can be a great many.

Pain in connection with wearing dentures

If you recently visited an orthodontist, and now you have a jaw near your ear, then this is quite normal.

the jaw hurts near the ear
No cause for concern. The installation of braces presupposes the presence of such a syndrome, since teeth will move slightly during the formation of the occlusion. The same can be said if you use removable dentures.

Pain due to injuries

Often it happens that the jaw hurts near the ear due to injury. Types of injuries are very different:
1. Contusion.
2. Dislocation.
3. Fracture.

Pain in connection with inflammatory diseases

There are many diseases in which the jaw hurts near the ear. It:

1. Osteomyelitis. A serious pathology of the body is enough, which can lead to complications, so treatment is required as soon as possible. The main symptoms of this disease can occur in elevated temperature, swelling, and enlargement of the lymph nodes.
2. Phlegmon and abscesses. In this case, the clinical picture is almost the same as in osteomyelitis, although the focus of inflammation is usually under the tongue, but pain still pushes in the ear.

aching jaw near the ear

3. Furunculosis. It appears as a purulent formation on the skin, which pulls it together, as a result of which the jaw hurts near the ear. Furuncles are dangerous because they have the property to spread very quickly, and the disease can move to the skull. Therefore, you can not hesitate with them.

Pathologies in the area of ​​the temple and lower jaw

In such cases, pain can be in the jaw region or in the ear. The main varieties of pathologies include:
1. Osteoarthritis. If the jaw hurts on the left near the ear, it is most likely a symptom of this disease. Also, there may be a crunch and stiffness of the jaw movements in the morning.
2. Arthritis. Symptoms are almost identical to the above. True, sometimes the pain may not be expressed, many patients note only a feeling of mild discomfort.
3. Disturbance of the function of the joint leading from the temple to the lower jaw. This pathology is characterized by clicks during the opening of the mouth. In this case, also the pain in the jaw gives in the temple, forehead and cheeks.

Pain in tumors

hurts the jaw on the left near the ear

All tumors in turn are divided into benign and malignant. The first ones are:

1. Osteoid osteoma. Sometimes it is asymptomatic for a very long time, because of what you can skip the initial stage, and ultimately such a tumor leads to a skewed face.
2. Osteoblastoklastoma. With her, as a rule, pain occurs during chewing, with time manifest themselves in the form of a fistula.
3. Adamanthinoma. A characteristic feature is the thickening of the jaw, and painful sensations start to appear in the course of time.

Malignant tumors can be:

1. Cancer. It affects first soft tissues, which subsequently leads to the loss of teeth.
2. The Sarcoma. A dangerous disease that spreads almost instantly.

In addition to these major diseases, there is alsothe pathology of the teeth, and the disease of the vessels or gums, and many other reasons why you may be concerned about the pain in the jaw. Consultation of a doctor here is simply necessary, otherwise the consequences can be deplorable.

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