What if I often have a headache?
Absolutely all people on Earth at least onceheadache. Some suffer from headaches often enough, but few people attach great importance to this. In fact, the head, like any organ of the human body, can not be sick for no reason. Sometimes it can be a symptom of serious enough diseases. What are the causes of headaches? Scientists have identified four main signs, which often headache.
The first of these is the organic defeat of variousparts of the brain. Among them are craniocerebral trauma, and various tumors in the brain, and inflammation of the meninges, that is, the presence of diseases such as meningitis, meningoencephalitis and others.
Also, the cause of the fact that the head often hurts, there may be disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels in the brain, which can be caused by such disorders as arterial hypertension, migraine and others.
At greater stresses, disturbances or overstrain, too, headaches may occur.
But the reason for them may be not onlyailments associated with brain diseases. The reason that often a headache, there are various kinds of intoxication in both viral and bacterial infections. Pain in the head can be caused by drugs such as caffeine, nitroglycerin, oral contraceptives and others. Chemicals - alcohol, carbon monoxide, lead and the like - can also provoke something that often hurts your head.
The causes may be metabolic disorders of the body (dialysis, hypoxia) and diseases of various parts of the face (sinusitis, frontal and glaucoma), and even osteochondrosis.
Some people are very meteosensitive, that is, any changes in the weather conditions negatively affect their condition, and, in particular, cause severe headaches.
We listed the main factors of whatthere are headaches. But there are many more. A reliable cause of headaches can be found only with a qualified doctor who not only diagnoses, but also prescribes the right treatment.
It should be noted that every person with different diseases has a painful symptom.
If you often have a headache, this means that there may be problems associated with arterial pressure, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, eye and dental diseases, and migraine headaches.
If you suffer from seizuressymptoms, it can be hypertensive crises or other disorders associated with the operation of blood vessels. Or, these pains are provoked by various kinds of tumors of the adrenal medulla.
If your headache is accompanied by nausea or even vomiting, it may be increased intracranial pressure, cerebral hemorrhage, tumors, migraine, or pheochromocytoma.
If the head hurts at a certain time of day,for example, only at night or, conversely, only in the morning, pay attention to intracranial pressure, since such a condition can be caused by hypertension.
When the pain in the head hurts locally, with anyone hand, and does not apply, most likely, you have migraine or hypertension. Such pain can be accompanied by a visual impairment (photophobia, "flies").
If you often have a headache, what should you do? First, try to avoid various sharp smells, temperature drops and sounds, changes in tastes. Try to get enough sleep and rest well, avoid unrest and great physical stress. Also it is necessary to refuse too sharp, salty or sour dishes. Smoked products, canned goods, red wine, chocolate and fast food products should also be excluded. Keep a measured and healthy lifestyle. If all of the above does not help for some time, please consult your doctor.