/ / Preparation "Tonginal": reviews, instruction

Preparation "Tonginal": reviews, instruction

What is the preparation for? Tonginal? Instructions for use, testimonials and indications of the drug in question are described below.

tonnginal reviews

Composition, form of the drug, its packaging

In what form is produced such a tool as"Tonginal"? The reviews say that the drug is available in the form of homeopathic drops. They have a slightly pronounced aroma of camphor and are intended for oral administration.

The main components of this medicine are: Glonoinum, ethyl alcohol, Veratrumalbum, Tabacum, Camphor and Acidum hydrocyanicum. The drug is produced in dark vials of glass with a dropper dispenser of 50, 20 or 100 ml.

Action medication

How do homeopathic drops "Tonginal" work? Instruction, reviews report that the effectiveness of this tool is determined by the properties of its active substances.

The drug under consideration balances the activityvegetative para- and sympathetic HC. In patients with vagotonia, it enhances the tone of the sympathetic NA and normalizes venous outflow. Also, the said device regulates the vascular tone of the brain (head), improving the blood circulation of the brain and metabolism in the heart.

It should also be noted that homeopathic drops normalize blood pressure, reduce the excitability of the vestibular apparatus, and improve the work of CCC.

What other features are inherent in the drug"Tonginal"? The reviews say that after taking homeopathic drops, the frequency and intensity of vegetative crises decrease, the body's resistance to physical and psychoemotional stresses increases.

This drug improves the adaptation of patients with hypotension, disorders in the apparatus of vestibular and vegetative abnormalities.

tuginal instructions for use review


In what cases can a patient be recommendeda preparation "Tonginal"? The testimonies indicate that this remedy is well manifested in vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotensive type, the syndrome of diencephalic, vestibular disorders and conditions that occur with pronounced vegetative abnormalities.


This tool must not be used whenhypersensitivity to its ingredients and alcohol dependence. With regard to pregnancy and breastfeeding, in such periods, the medication is used only for the purpose of the treating doctor.

The drug "Tonginal": instructions for use

The doctors say that the drug in question can only be consumed by adults and adolescents. The homeopathic solution is taken in pure form for 10 drops or in diluted in water.

In some cases, "Tonginal" drops are prescribedto children till one year. In this case, the drug should be taken one drop, diluted in one large spoonful of milk or water. Children up to 12 years of age this drug is prescribed 7 drops (diluted in liquid) three times a day for half an hour before or after a meal.

ttoginal instructions

To obtain the maximum therapeutic result before swallowing the drug, it is recommended to keep it in your mouth for several minutes.

To quickly reduce the severity of unwantedsymptoms of adulthood, the medication should be taken 9-10 drops every 35 minutes, children under 12 years of age - 4-5 drops, and children up to 1 year - up to eight times a day, one drop with a small amount of water or milk until the symptoms come to a stop diseases (then go to the regime - three times a day).

The recommended period of treatment for this drug is two to three months. If necessary, the course is repeated.

Occasional phenomena

What negative reactions does the Tonginal drug cause? Feedback indicates that no side effects occur when taking this medication.

Special Information

At the very beginning of treatment with the drug "Tonginal" some symptoms of the disease can worsen. As a rule, this indicates the effectiveness of the drug and does not require correction of dosage.

tuginal drug reviews

Drops "Tonginal": reviews about the drug

In the overwhelming majority of reports onthe drug in question is of a positive nature. The use of homeopathic drops allowed many patients with hypotension and vascular dystonia restore the normal state of health, eliminate headaches, dizziness and meteozavisimosti symptoms.

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