/ / One-sided and bilateral pneumonia

One-sided and bilateral pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia is acutea disease caused by a bacterial or viral flora is characterized by a lesion of the lung tissue. To date, there are many forms and types of pneumonia, which differ in the evolution of the disease, the symptoms and tactics of patients, but we will try to shed light on only the most common of them. A variety of forms of pneumonia appear from the abundance of microbes-pathogens, as well as from the state of the immune system of each individual person. It happens that the manifestation of the same infection in different people is different. A good doctor can determine the individual characteristics of the patient and the disease itself, because this is the key to effective treatment.

Typical pneumonia

A typical form of pneumonia is a collectiveimage of a large group of pneumonia of different etiology, which flow according to more or less similar principles. Diagnosis of a typical pneumonia is based on an X-ray examination of the lungs, which results in a specific focus in one or both lungs. Thus, one-sided or bilateral pneumonia is detected. For a typical form of inflammation of the lungs, a sharp rise in temperature, a strong cough with "rusty" sputum, pain in the chest, chills are characteristic. The causative agents of such pneumonia are most often staphylococci, pneumococci, intestinal and hemophilic rod. Most often this form of the disease occurs in adults.

Atypical pneumonia

Atypical type of pneumonia is a collective imagediseases of the lungs, which develop on completely different principles than typical pneumonia. Currently, many pathogens of this disease have been studied, one of them is mycoplasma. Atypical pneumonia often occurs in children, and it looks like an ordinary cold. When diagnosing radiographically, only a small obscuration with fuzzy boundaries is determined, and the blood test is generally calm. Despite certain differences, typical and atypical pneumonia (symptoms, treatment) are very similar. Sometimes atypical pathogens can cause a typical form of the disease, and vice versa. That is why very often doctors do not consider it necessary to specify which of the pneumonias takes place in each particular case.

The most common types of atypical pneumonia

Mycoplasmal pneumonia most often occurs inchildren and adolescents under the age of 15 years. In adults, this disease is very rare. The causative agents of this pneumonia have at the same time the properties of bacteria and viruses.

Chlamydial pneumonia is also more common inchildhood. The properties of chlamydia are similar to mycoplasma, and since these microbes do not have a cell wall, they are immune to certain types of antibiotics. Chlamydial bilateral pneumonia is especially dangerous for infants, and yet its diagnosis is very difficult for a number of reasons.

Legioloznaya pneumonia is practically not found in children and is a side effect of the modern conditioning system.

Viral pneumonia often occurs against the background of ARI,influenza and other respiratory diseases, but its pathogen is not always viruses. Sometimes in the development of viral pneumonia involved klebsiella, E. coli, staphylococcus and streptococcus. Viral bilateral pneumonia is poorly diagnosed and can lead to serious consequences for the body, including death.

What terms are used to refer to pneumonia?

Separation into acute and chronic form inmodern practice is no longer used. Any disease is considered acute, and the term "chronic pneumonia" is excluded from medical vocabulary. Depending on the localization, pneumonia is divided into segmental (one segment is affected), a share (the whole part is involved in the process), basal (the foci are located exclusively in the lower segments). Also, one-sided (right-sided and left-sided) and bilateral pneumonia are different.

Pneumonia is a dangerous disease requiring qualified medical care, so for any suspicion of its development, you should consult your doctor.

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