Common Bladder Diseases in Women: Symptoms, Features and Signs
The first "honorary" place in urology occupydiseases of the bladder in women. Symptoms are usually pronounced, the patients complain of abdominal pain, rezi during emptying and white discharge. Because of the anatomical structure of the body, the representatives of the weaker sex are several times more likely to have anomalies and vesicles of the bladder, as well as inflammatory processes, polyps, fistulas, tumors, and the like.
The most common typical femalethe disease is cystitis. Frequent hypothermia, infections of STDs, stress provoke bladder sickness in women. Symptoms are spun in the form of frequent trips to the toilet, rezi during urination, a feeling of incomplete emptying and unbearable pain during movement. Many girls hesitate to contact a gynecologist, dragging out the problem and aggravating the situation.
Men in this regard are easier - they rarelythere are similar deviations. And the fact is that the bladder of women is much shorter, and, accordingly, harmful microorganisms are much easier to penetrate into it. In addition, in girls, the lymphatic system is directly linked to the genital organs, which increases the risk of pathological reactions in any inflammation.
According to medical statistics, every fourtha representative of the fair sex suffered from this ailment in her life, and every 8th has a chronic stage of cystitis. The main reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant disease are infections: proteus, staphylococcus, fungus, pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, Trichomonas. Symptoms of bladder disease are as follows:
-Great desires for emptying;
- Enraged and painful urination;
-possible for incontinence;
burning, rubbing during or at the end of urination.
The clinical picture is observed about one and a halfweeks, then the symptoms can subside and after a while again manifest, if not started the appropriate treatment. Throughout life there are various diseases of the bladder in women. Symptoms in almost all pathologies are similar. Another disease that occurs mainly in the weaker sex is leukoplakia. It is characterized by pathological changes in the mucous membrane that lines the bladder.
Until the end of science is not known the etiology andfeatures of the course of the disease. Possible factors of its development are considered chronic and viral infections of the urinary system, as well as hormonal imbalance. The signs of leukoplakia are similar to the clinic of chronic cystitis, the only difference is that the urination is practically unaffected in patients with this ailment. There is a burning sensation in the lower abdomen, blunt or aching pain in the perineum, above the pubis, in the vagina, inguinal region and spasms.
These complaints are attributed to the syndromechronic pelvic pain. To determine the cause, a complete diagnosis is required. First of all, you need to pass an analysis of urine, blood and ultrasound. At the slightest sign it is better to visit a doctor, because there are serious and very dangerous diseases of the bladder in women. Symptoms are just manifestations that signal a malfunction in the body.