/ / Urinary Incontinence in Women

Urinary incontinence in women

Urinary incontinence women - a common violation that hasthe most varied causes. Enuresis is accompanied by a loss of strong-willed control over the processes of urination. In any case, a similar problem requires the help of a specialist.

Urinary incontinence in women: classification

Enuresis is a widely known problem thatpractically does not depend on ethnicity or the nature of the work. But age has some meaning. Statistics show that incontinence in older women is much more common. In modern medicine, several forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • Stressful enuresis - in such cases, urine is released during physical exertion or any other action that causes a sharp contraction of the abdominal muscles (laughter, cough, sneezing).
  • Imperative urinary incontinence in women - thisA variety, as a rule, is associated with hyperactivity of the musculature of the bladder. The patient feels the urge to urinate, but can not hold the process.
  • Neurogenic bladder - this incontinence is associated with a violation of the nervous regulation of the excretory system.
  • Incontinence caused by congenital anatomical abnormalities in the structure.
  • Enuresis from overflow - urine is gradually lost when stretching the walls of the bladder.

Whatever the reason, in no case should such a problem be ignored. Enuresis is a disease that you can get rid of.

Urinary incontinence in women: causes

There are several common causes of incontinence in the female population:

  • Quite often enuresis appears as a resultheavy birth, during which the crotch or muscles of the pelvic floor are more or less injured. It is noticed that the risk of the appearance of the disease directly depends on the number of pregnancies.
  • Often incontinence is the resultgynecological procedures or operations on organs located in the pelvic area. After all, there is always the possibility of damaging the nerve endings that are responsible for the normal functioning of the bladder.
  • Sometimes enuresis can develop as a result of hormonal disorders. Quite often this phenomenon is observed during menopause.
  • As already mentioned, urinary incontinence in women can be the result of aging, because with age, the muscles of the bladder and sphincter weaken.
  • The cause of enuresis may be excessive physical work or exercise in heavy sports.
  • People who are obese are also considered risk groups.
  • Causes of incontinence may not be limited tothe state of the bladder, but also in the work of the nervous system. Traumas of the brain and spinal cord, damage to nerve roots and endings, multiple sclerosis - all this leads to the development of enuresis.
  • Night incontinence is often the result of nervous overstrain and a heavy emotional state.

Urinary incontinence in women: methods of diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of enuresis must necessarily becomplex. It is very important to determine the root cause of the disease. First, the doctor must collect a complete history of the patient. In addition, it is necessary to take a blood test for hormones, as well as urine analysis - general and bacteriological.

In addition, a woman needs to undergo gynecological examination, as well as ultrasound of the bladder, which will not only determine its size and condition, but also the amount of residual urine.

In the diagnosis, other methods are often used, including cystoscopy, cystourethrography, uroflowmetry.

Only after studying the results of all necessarythe doctor will be able to prescribe the correct, effective treatment. Depending on the severity of the disease, it can be medicated or surgical. For a quick recovery, it is also important to have proper nutrition and work and rest regime, special physical exercises.

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