/ / Inflammation of the bladder: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the bladder: symptoms and treatment

The bladder refers to a system of excretion,represents a kind of reservoir for accumulation of urine, has a muscular structure. Inflammation of the bladder, the symptoms of this disease are most often recorded in children and women. The etiology of the disease is associated mainly with the penetration of infectious agents into the bladder cavity: staphylo-, strepto-, staphylococcus, E. coli.

In medical practice, inflammation of the bladderit is called cystitis. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of this organ, women are more likely to be sick than men. It should be said that female immunity can easily overcome this disease in the early stages of its development. However, in women with a weakened immune system, the disease is lightning fast.

Inflammation of the bladder, the symptoms of whichsuddenly, very painful. One of the first signs of inflammation of the bladder is frequent pain during urination, increased urination, urine may contain impurities of pus and blood (pyuria, hematuria). Patients diagnosed with inflammation of the bladder, the symptoms can manifest as acute pain in the lower abdomen.

In acute cystitis, urine containsa significant number of leukocytes, which indicates an inflammatory process. In the study of urine, bacteria are detected. In an acute process, more than 100,000 microbial bodies are found in 1 ml of urine.

Inflammation of the bladder in children is accompanied bycrying with urination, abdominal pain, fever and vomiting. It is necessary to pay attention that girls are sick much more often than boys. The most susceptible to the disease are children from 4 to 12 years old.

Thanks to its anatomical structure, inflammationThe bladder in men is rarely recorded. Men have a long urethra that prevents the infection from entering the bladder. The prostate also acts as a kind of filter that does not allow bacteria to rise higher into the bladder and cause inflammation.

Inflammation of the bladder: symptoms and treatment

Today, it is not necessary to hospitalizepatient with a diagnosis of cystitis. It is enough to appoint him compliance with bed rest, taking a lot of drinking (about 3 liters of fluid per day). In the process of treatment, a patient should follow a diet not to consume salty, spicy food.

The diet for such a patient consists ofthe use of dietary soups, cereals and dairy products. During the treatment period, you should refrain from having sex. Adhering to the recommendations of a urologist, one can cure cystitis and prevent its recurrence. Treatment of cystitis in women has some features. Treatment of cystitis in women does not have a one-way direction. In this case, prescribe drugs to treat the vagina and restore its normal bacterial flora. Often in urology, antibiotics (biseptol) and nitrofurans (furagin) are used which have been tested for many years.

It should be said that microbes are very mobileorganisms, which under certain conditions can quickly adapt to the action of different drugs. Today, in the treatment of cystitis, the catephron preparation is often used, which is an extract containing leaves of rosemary, a herb of a thousand-thousandths and lovers' roots. This mixture shows antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. Diuretic and immunostimulating drugs are also prescribed. To exclude products of inflammation of the bladder, diuretics are used: potassium acetate, temsal, lasix, decoctions of field horsetail, licorice root, cranberries, birch leaves. To relieve painful spasms, analgesics analgin, baralgin, amidoperine, antispasmodics (platifilina hydrochloride, no-shpu, papaverine hydrochloride) are used. To suppress microbial activity, 5-NOC and nitroxoline are used. Before the appointment of antibiotics, determine the sensitivity of bacteria to the action of different antibacterial agents. After antibiotic therapy, douching with probiotic drugs (bifidumbacterin) is prescribed. For the treatment of cystitis in men use the same drugs. Antibiotic therapy in men has a longer period (up to ten days) compared with women (up to five days).

For the purpose of preventing cystitis in women, they do nothypothermia is recommended (bathing in the ice-hole, wearing miniskirts), you should drink a lot of liquid (mineral water without gas), observe a diet (you need to refrain from spicy, acidic, spicy, salty, pickled food). When you visit the toilet to wipe from the front to back, and it is best to wash, during menstruation it is desirable to use gaskets, not tampons.

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