/ / Inflammation of the bladder in women, what is it?

Inflammation of the bladder in women, what is it?

Inflammation of the urinary bladder in women or cystitis -a fairly common gynecological disease. This disease is more common among women due to the peculiarities of the structure of their urethra, which is much shorter than that of men. Inflammation of the bladder in women is also due to the fact that the urethra is located very close to the anus, which greatly increases the risk of getting bacteria into it.

Cystitis can be primary, that is withoutpreliminary pathological effect, and also there are secondary cystitis, which are chronic and appear as a consequence of pre-existing diseases.

Causes that cause inflammation of the urinary bladder in women:

• one of the first causes is a significant hypothermia of the body and not necessarily that it was in the area of ​​the urethra;

• a general decrease in the body's immunity, which occurs as a consequence of previous infection of any infectious disease;

• non-compliance of the woman with elementary rules of personal and intimate hygiene;

• a variety of allergic reactions of the body;

• the presence of a patient with a disease such as diabetes mellitus, also provokes a more frequent occurrence of the disease;

• non-observance of the rules of conduct and sterility of the instrument when examining the urethra and bladder;

• frequent abuse of wearing thong panties, which due to their shape can also provoke inflammation of the bladder in women.

Women who have more than twice in six monthsthere is a primary cystitis, it is necessary to search for the reason of its frequent occurrence. This is necessary for the appointment of an effective treatment. Such relapses can occur for many reasons, but the main ones are:

• the presence of inflammatory processes in the genital area, for example, adnexitis, vulvovaginitis, endometritis;

• Infection with other types of pathogens is possible;

• significant and sharp increase in the load on the back, especially on its lower parts;

• improperly conducted previous treatment, in which antibacterial drugs were irrationally used;

• Any trauma, both the bladder and the entire urethra;

• abortion and hormonal imbalance;

Inflammation of the bladder: symptoms, treatment

The main symptoms of the appearance of this disease is the presence of pain in the urinary bladder during urination, as well as a violation of the urination itself and the appearance of blood in the urine.

Usually, with cystitis there is no increase in temperature, if this is observed, there may be a complication in the form of pyelonephritis, often in girls.

In the treatment of cystitis, the main thing is complianceregime, it is necessary not to supercool the body. It is also better not to eat sour, fatty and spicy food, limit the use of coffee, pickles and alcoholic beverages. It is necessary to use a lot of liquid, preferably in the form of various herbal decoctions. Treatment is done with antibiotics, for example, norfloxacin or ciprofloxacin, and antiseptics. Inflammation of the bladder during pregnancy can be treated only under the supervision of an experienced doctor. It is necessary to lead a full course of treatment, since if its duration is insufficient, resistance to certain bacteria can form, which will complicate further treatment.

Do not conduct a warming in the area of ​​the bladder, as this can increase the development of infection.

After the course of treatment is completedcystitis, you need to pass tests to test its effectiveness. Then you should avoid hypothermia, as well as regularly visit a gynecologist, maintain your immune system and stick to a healthy lifestyle.

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