/ Frequent urination in women. Treatment and Symptoms

Frequent urination in women. Treatment and Symptoms

The number of daily urination affectssome factors: the volume of fluid drunk during the day, the tone of the muscle tissue of the walls of the bladder and the habits of the person. The norm of urination is determined conditionally, for example, for a woman, from 2 to 6 empties of the bladder are considered normal throughout the day. If urination is quite frequent, then it can be symptoms of diseases of the genitourinary system. If there is a frequent urination in women, treatment of such a disease is simple and consists of compliance with certain recommendations.

If the cause of the disease is diabetes, the treatment is to correct the general condition of the patient. Frequent urination with diabetes mellitus have their own symptoms:

- constant thirst;

- despite the frequent eating of food - a sharp weight loss;

- large volume of urine;

- burning in the genitals, itching;

- constant weakness, lethargy.

A woman has a bladder volume in normalcondition is 300-500 ml. Constant urge to urinate is felt when the bubble is half full. The process of urination is controlled by human consciousness. With such a disease as frequent urination in women, the treatment is prescribed by a urologist and gynecologist. The cause of this symptom may be the use of diuretics, because of the irritation of the bladder.

The common cause of diseases of the genitourinary system is the infectious infection of the urinary tract, which causes irritation of the bladder, kidneys and urethra.

Almost 30% of women suffer from frequenturination, and this indicates an inflammatory process of the bladder. The disease is called cystitis. In most cases, doctors treat chronic sluggish cystitis, which is a consequence of the hyperactive activity of the bladder. In this case, the cause of frequent urination may be low air temperature and strong excitement.

Symptoms of acute cystitis:

- terminal hematuria (at the end of urination blood is excreted in urine);

- Pain, rubbing the bladder;

- pyuria (leukocytes, pus in the urine, are determined by laboratory tests);

- dysuria (urination disorder).

Symptoms of the disease are different: constant pain with urination, frequent desires, which give the patient discomfort.

Complication of cystitis can be pyelonephritis. With chronic and acute inflammation of the urinary system, there is a risk of kidney infection. The likelihood of such complications appears more often in childhood (only in girls).

Also appears frequent urination beforemenstruation and during pregnancy, when the kidneys are working for two and trying to get rid of harmful products. When pregnancy increases the amount of fluid in the body of a woman, and this is the cause of frequent urination. Increased pressure of the uterus, located next to the bladder, also leads to frequent urge.

In this condition, such as frequent urinationwomen, treatment begins by identifying the causes. Depending on the nature of the urge, a treatment regimen is prescribed. In case of diabetes mellitus, the glucose level is adjusted with the necessary preparations. If stones are found in the urinary system, the treatment depends on their size. Sometimes stones are removed by surgery or conservative management is applied. Also, modern techniques allow you to remove stones with ultrasound.

During menopause, when there is frequenturination in women, treatment should be carried out with the help of hormonal drugs. This therapy has many contraindications. Only with the timely appointment of hormones give a good effect. In the period of menopause, you can apply topical treatment using candles that contain hormones.

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