/ / What is the cause of painful urination in women?

What is the cause of painful urination in women?

Mean frequency of urination frequencyper day are approximately up to 15 times. In fact, this case is purely individual and can not fit into any framework. Here the main thing is to understand if urination is accompanied by painful sensations, discomfort and other pathologies.

Women are several times more likely todiseases of the urinary tract. This is due to the fact that the urethra in women is much shorter (in men 20 cm, in women 5 cm). The risk of developing infectious diseases increases with the onset of sexual activity. About what causes painful urination, we'll talk in this article. And also tell you what diseases can cause such symptoms.

Burning and pain at the end of urination is also calleddysuria (urination disorder). Often this is associated with infectious and non-infectious diseases, but often the cause is a bacterial infection of the bladder and tract. Painful urination is the first sign of infectious diseases such as urethritis, cystitis and prostatitis. In addition, there are frequent urges and frequent urination.

Patients complain about rez, a feeling of discomfort andburning in the urethra. Sometimes women have a lower abdominal pain, this pain can give back and the sacrum. Do not delay the visit to the doctor, tk. possibly the development of pyelonephritis (kidney disease).

Causes of painful urination

As it was said above, it is for women most oftenit is necessary to face such unpleasant and at times unsafe for the health of diseases of the genitourinary system. The case in the anatomical features of female genital organs. In a number of cases, all diseases of the urinary tract have an inflammatory origin, it is inflammation that leads to rapid and frequent emptying of the bladder.

Among inflammatory diseases, the first placeoccupies cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). The second and third place are divided by renal failure and urolithiasis. However, not always frequent urge to urinate in women suggests the presence of pathology.

It should be noted that similar phenomena alsoare common in menopausal women. During the menopause, the level of hormones decreases, and this is the main cause of the development of urogenital disorders. And even during pregnancy, the frequency of urges will be increased.

How to treat frequent urination

When an inflammatory process in the urinarya bladder requires anti-inflammatory therapy. Antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed. The selection of the necessary medication is decided after obtaining the results of urine culture and bacteriological research.

For the treatment can be used a variety of herbs,having an anti-inflammatory effect (chamomile, calendula). Today medicinal herbs are sold in pharmacies in tablet form, which is undoubtedly convenient in therapy.

If painful urination and frequent urgedisturb the woman of a climacteric age, hormonal therapy is necessary taking into account all available contraindications. To avoid the negative influence of hormones on the body, the local form of drugs is used.

If pregnant women have similarproblems, then it is necessary to conduct surveys. If pathological symptoms are absent, and urinalysis is normal, then therapy is not prescribed. It is forbidden to engage in self-medication, because this can lead to serious complications.


Less eat food and smoked foods.

Drink a day enough water.

Do not overcool.

Eat more vegetables and fruits.

If you find yourself aching pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, immediately contact the gynecologist. Based on laboratory tests, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

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