/ / The tooth was removed, the teeth and gum hurt. What should I do in this case?

The tooth was removed, the teeth and gums hurt. What should I do in this case?

Tooth extraction is a small operation, withthe need for which one person encounters once. The cause of extraction, as a rule, is the inflammation of the peri-toothed tissues or the risk associated with the possibility of the appearance of such a phenomenon.

tooth removed hurt teeth

Pain after tooth extraction

Inflammation can occur for a variety of reasons, among which the most common are the following:

- severe tooth decay with caries;

- impossibility of eruption;

- incorrect growth of one tooth, disturbing the rest;

- the appearance of granuloma in the apex of the root;

- development of periodontitis.

- formation of a cyst of a tooth;

Very often patients who underwent this operation,complain that they have a tooth removed. Sore teeth after the procedure - can there be such a reaction? What are the complications? What is the norm, and what is the pathology after the extraction of the teeth? Why does the remote tooth hurt? All these questions are asked by almost every patient.

Symptoms after tooth extraction

Whatever the reason for tooth extraction, pain -this is a completely natural reaction of the body, because after the procedure usually there are lacerated gum tissue and a deep enough wound, in the place of which even sutures can be applied. This site at first can bleed, around the removed tooth and in surrounding tissues there can be a small edema.

Fortunately, with the removal of teethencounter infrequently, and some lucky ones only a couple of times in their lives. Probably, therefore, having experienced unpleasant sensations, a person worries about the fact that he was removed a tooth, but it hurts not only in the place of removal.

If we generalize the complaints of those who had an operation to remove the tooth, then we can distinguish the following:

  • Pain occurs several hours after the anesthesia passes. It can be pulling, moderate. It ceases for a while, but appears again.
  • Edema of the socket in place of the removed tooth, swelling of the gums andtissues of the neck. This phenomenon is usually temporary, due to local inflammation and almost always occurs when the wisdom teeth are removed. It is permissible if the edema increased the day after the operation, but later this phenomenon should regress.
  • Sometimes it happens that the tooth is removed, the jaw hurts. It is quite possible. This phenomenon is temporary, it occurs due to mechanical pressure on the neck tissue, gums, jaws during tooth extraction, and also due to local inflammation.
  • A small bruise on the cheek from the side where the operation was performed. Again, it is associated with a strong pressure on the tissue during the operation.
  • The temperature is 37-38 degrees, which usually rises closer to bed or at night. It is explained by the increased work of immunity in connection with inflammation in the tissues.
    sore tooth nerve removed

Pathological causes of pain after tooth extraction

Common complaints in the dentist's officesound like this: the tooth was removed, the teeth hurt. In some cases, pain is a pathological symptom. Unfortunately, the occurrence of complications after tooth extraction often happens, so patients should carefully monitor the symptoms indicating a worsening.

Causes of development of pathological pain syndrome and symptoms

  • Alveolitis is an inflammation of the well formedat the site of the operation, when the place of the removed tooth hurts. Infection from the burst cyst could give an impetus to the inflammatory process. Also, the reason may be the physiological characteristics of the patient - low resistance of the organism, weak immunity. In addition, the pathology often happens when the hygiene rules are not followed after the tooth extraction prescribed by the dentist. Signs of alveolitis include the presence of pus in the hole, which has an unpleasant smell, sometimes swelling from the side of the cheek, when the tooth was removed. The gum hurts if the doctor made a mistake and damaged it. It is also possible that the doctor did not remove the cyst, which ruptured when the tooth was extracted.
  • Suppuration of the hematoma. It could be formed due to injury of the blood vessel during the operation. Another formation of hematomas can be triggered by existing patient diseases, such as hypertension.
  • Signs of suppuration of the hematoma: pain in the area of ​​the gum transition to the cheek, strong swelling of the gums and cheeks near the wound surface, temperature and even blue skin on the side of the cheek.

Thus, if you have a tooth removed, your teeth hurt,the cheek, gums, the edema develops and the fever is present, and all these signs do not abate, it makes sense to worry. When such complaints occur, in no case should one engage in self-medication: to warm a sore spot or rinse with salt. This can lead to the development of purulent inflammation of the tissues. For help, it is better to consult a dentist.

removed the tooth sore gum

What determines the severity of pain in the absence of pathology?

Patients often complain that they have a tooth removed,the gum hurts. The more complicated the operation to remove the tooth carried out by a doctor, the greater the trauma is to the bone and soft tissues, which means the more painful it will be.

Difficult tooth extraction may be required in cases where:

- when trying to remove a tooth, it crumbles into pieces;

- when it has curved roots;

- when the tooth rotted to the gums and it is difficult to grab it to wrest.

In all situations where access todental tissue, an operation is performed that is characterized by greater trauma. In these cases, in order to release the tooth from the gums and bone tissue, the doctor has to cut the gum, separate it from the bone, and cut the tooth into pieces to remove it.

That is why a complex tooth extraction and a strongpain after it is a natural syndrome. Therefore, the patient should be prepared for the fact that there may be unpleasant sensations if he has a tooth removed. Sore teeth - this is a normal physiological process. Disturb will be the place where the operation was performed. And also the cheek on the side of the removal (due to soft tissue edema) can hurt, and the reflected pain can even be in the neighboring teeth.

removed tooth hurts jaw

Pain after removal of wisdom tooth

Wisdom tooth extraction in most casesis treated by dentists as a complex operation. This is explained by the fact that wisdom teeth rarely grow as expected. Often they are inferior and grow unevenly. Often the tooth has to be practically removed from the bone and the gums. Therefore, if the remote wisdom tooth hurts, this is explained by severe trauma when it is extracted.

The most common problems are associated with the emergence of wisdom teeth:

- It grows inclined, supporting the molars;

- the wisdom tooth is under the hood;

- he is mostly immersed in bone;

- the tooth of wisdom is highly prone to tooth decay and, having just appeared, can already be rotten from within.

All these situations stipulate that a personrequires a complex operation. The pain after the removal of the wisdom tooth can be so intense that it seems to the person that his jaw or neighboring teeth hurts.

As practice shows, when the tooth was removed, the jaw hurts - this may indicate such causes of discomfort:

  • The integrity of the ligaments, vessels and nerve fibers that supported the neighboring teeth was broken.
  • During the operation, there was strong mechanical pressure on the jaw and adjacent teeth.
  • During extraction, a strong pressure on soft tissues was carried out, so there was an increase in the area of ​​infection, which until the removal was point.

Thus, if a certain category of customerscomplains that he has removed the wisdom tooth, it hurts not only the place of the operation, but also the adjacent area - this can be caused by the above symptoms.

the site of the removed tooth hurts

If after removal the cheek and throat hurts

First of all, it is necessary to examine the mucous membraneCheeks for wounds and damage when removing the tooth. Sometimes patients complain to the doctor that they have a tooth removed, a cheek or throat hurts. It is possible that the doctor cut the cheek from the inside with a sharp edge of the instrument or a distant tooth. Often against the background of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, very painful ulcers called "stomatitis" occur. If, when examining the oral cavity in the mirror, you will see a red ulcer with a white rim or a white ulcer with an inflammatory halo - most likely it's an aphtha. Treatment of stomatitis is simple, sometimes enough rinsing infusions of herbs.

If the cheek does not have any mechanical damage, no ulcers, it is worth considering that this pain is reflected from the main center of pain. In the absence of other symptoms, you do not need to worry.

It happens that with pains there is alsoswelling of cheeks. If its strength and degree of pain does not progress over time, most likely it is a natural phenomenon. This situation could be a consequence of the procedure against the background of inflammation, or as a result of a complex operation. It should be borne in mind that if the gum was cut, then the appearance of edema is considered to be regular.

Temperature connection to the aboveSymptoms can also be a variant of the norm, if it appeared soon after tooth extraction, does not tend to increase and does not last more than two days. Severe fever and general malaise indicate the development of complications.

In the event that the pain in the cheek is accompanied by an increasing swelling, fever, it is difficult to open the mouth, and in the tooth socket there is no blood clot, it is necessary to urgently contact the doctor.

Another part of the clients of the dental officeoften complain that they have a tooth removed, sore throat. Such sensations after surgery can also be reflected or caused by pain in the neck muscles, which have been strained for a long time due to extraction of the tooth. Another reason is the arisen pharyngitis due to acute inflammation in the oral cavity.

 have removed a tooth hurts a week

How to behave after the operation to remove the tooth

Preventive measures againstthe occurrence of pain, consist, first of all, in the strict adherence to the appointments of the dentist. It is necessary to take all medications and doctor assigned to care for a sick place. The most important thing is to prevent infection of the well.

Dentists recommend the following protective measures:

  • Remove the tampon imposed by the doctor not earlier than after 30 minutes.
  • Do not eat on the side of the removed tooth onfor 3 days. Do not touch the affected area with tongue, foreign objects and fingers. Refuse chewing gum and irritating food (salty, spicy, sweet, sour).
  • Dent cleaning can also not be done in the first threeday after the operation. Upon their expiration, it is permissible to use special antiseptics for cleaning the oral cavity, which are sold exclusively in pharmacies. These do not include mouthwash, sold in stores.
  • Do not tolerate severe pain. When tangible discomfort appears, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory and painkillers, but no more than 2 times a day.
  • On the first day, you need to apply cold compresses to your cheek more often - they will relieve inflammation and will not allow a strong pain syndrome to develop.
  • In no case should you remove blood from the well.
  • Smokers should stop using cigarettes for at least the next two days after tooth extraction.
  • Receiving hot baths and showers, being in the sun in hot weather is contraindicated.

How to get rid of pain

If pain has arisen, the following activities are recommended:

  • Leave hot rooms or go into the shade if it is hot outside and you are under the open sun.
  • Apply a cold compress to your cheek, but do not overcool the gum.
  • Take the drug on the basis of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ("Ketanov", "Analgin").
    have a tooth removed but it hurts

If your dentist noted the need to receiveantibiotics, do not ignore this recommendation. Most often, antimicrobials such as Summammed, Biseptol, etc., are prescribed. Keep in mind that the antibiotic can not be stopped even when you are not worried about anything - you need to take the pills exactly as your doctor prescribed.

If a tooth aches where the nerve is removed

Many people believe that if during treatment to removenerve, the tooth will never bother again, because there is nothing to hurt. However, as soon as a person gets into a stressful situation or freezes, he begins to whine and shoot a tooth without a nerve. In this case, people have to go to the dentist again with a complaint that a nerve was removed, a tooth ache. I must say that for doctors such statements do not seem surprising, because people have sore teeth without nerve very often. And the recommendations of doctors in such situations are almost template: it is necessary to re-drill and then treat the canals of the tooth.

Causes of pain

Why does a tooth hurt? The nerve is removed, but the discomfort persists. Dentists call basic situations when discomfort may arise:

  • Reason 1. The tooth was badly cured: the canal was poorly sealed, and as a result, pathogenic bacteria developed there that “sank” into the root of the tooth, gum or bone. Therefore, discomfort in the gums and in the bones is perceived as pain in the tooth, so the patient often complains that he has had a tooth removed, and his gums hurt.
  • Reason 2. The tooth did not kill the nerve. It is enough to remain a tiny piece of nerve so that the pain continues to plague its owner: the tooth hurts when the weather changes, it reacts to hot and cold, and aches at night.

That is why it needs to be repaired: drill out, clean the channels, reach to the top of the root. After that, the site of infection is removed, a seal is laid. After a quality treatment, patients will not complain that a tooth ache. The nerve is removed and there are no more reasons for discomfort.

The duration of pain

The duration of the pain depends on the complexitythe operation, from the resulting complications. As a rule, acute pain subsides on the second day after tooth extraction. But sometimes it happens that it persists after a tooth is removed. A week damaged area hurts - this is a reason to pay attention to whether there are any other important symptoms: edema, temperature, unpleasant smell from the hole, purulent discharge from the wound. If there are no other complaints, then we are probably talking about the individual characteristics of the organism. Most likely, the doctor in this case will recommend to wait another couple of weeks and observe the condition.

In case of doubt, it will be necessarygeneral blood test to determine the presence of a hidden inflammatory process. Sometimes bacterial inflammation in tissues can only be determined in this way. If suspicion is confirmed, antibiotics will be prescribed for a period of 7-10 days.

The most important thing everyone should remembera person suffering from pain after tooth extraction is something that the symptoms should not increase. Albeit slowly, but inflammation should decrease. Do not ignore the discomfort and neglect your own health, as the consequences can be dire.

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