/ / If the gum is swollen, what should I do?

If the gum is swollen, what should I do?

As a rule, people often think thatdentists treat only caries. But in fact, there are many diseases of the mouth. Many of them have similar symptoms. For example, a tumor on the gum may be caused by a flux or gingivitis. Therefore, it is important to correctly identify the source of the disease and after that to seek treatment.

Swollen gums what to do
If you have swollen gums, what should you do? First, try to determine the cause of the condition. It happens because of the cleavage of the tooth. It traumatizes the mouth, causing bleeding and painful sensations. Most often this is due to neglected caries or mechanical trauma. In this case, it is best to contact the dentist - he will remove the tooth.

If the gum is swollen near the tooth, then it can besymptom of gingivitis. This ailment arises from non-compliance with personal hygiene, after a long illness or when some vitamins are deficient. When gingivitis appears, the gums are not only swollen, but bleed and hurt, itch. If you do not carry out treatment, then periodontitis will begin. This ailment leads to loss of teeth.

Tumor near the tooth
Why is the gum swollen, what should I do? Often this happens with a tooth cyst. It appears due to a trauma to the tooth or gum. Sometimes this condition is due to neglected caries. In this case, the gum swells under a particular tooth. If you notice this, do not delay the visit to the doctor. After all, if you do not treat the tooth cyst, it will lead to prompt intervention and removal of the tooth.

Another cause of swelling of the gums is flux. As a rule, with it, the process affects the cheek. This is a purulent inflammatory process, and therefore it is important to begin treatment in a timely manner, otherwise it can result in severe consequences for the body. The whole point is that the development of the disease can lead to blood poisoning.

Sometimes gums can swell because of the wrongtreatment of the oral cavity. If you have a sensitive body, swelling of the gums may be an allergic reaction. This often happens when using special whitening pastes. Before using them, check the body's response to these hygiene products.

Tumor on the gum
If you know why the gum is swollen, what to dobefore a visit to a dentist? You can use decoctions of herbs, which have anti-inflammatory properties. As a rule, it is sage, chamomile, calendula, Kalanchoe juice. It is important to use only a warm broth. A cold or hot drink will only hurt your gums.

If you have swollen gums, what to do whenabsence of house grasses? You can rinse the mouth with soda or with the drug "Furacilin", which is sold at the pharmacy. This not only removes the inflammation, but also disinfects the gum. These simple actions help to ease the condition. But they do not cure the disease and do not take away the cause of its occurrence, so it is important to contact the dentist as soon as possible. Only this will avoid complications.

But sometimes there is no way to go to the hospital. For example, you are in another country. Then you can apply an ice cube or an aloe leaf to the site of inflammation. Keep them about 15 minutes. This will help reduce inflammation. But even these methods will not solve the problem, they will only stop the process for a while, so if possible, immediately consult a doctor.

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