Fungus of foot: what to do and how to be treated
With the approach of summer, people start the mostCarefully take care of your feet. Women begin to look intensively at the fingers, pamper their legs with baths and creams, rub pomochki with pumice and invent an exquisite decor of varnish for marigolds.
Sadly, it was after the winter coldbegin to have problems with the legs - thickening and yellowing of the nails, the formation of small spots. What to do? How to get rid of this? Are these signs of a beginning fungus?
Let's talk about fungi ...
The foot fungus is, unfortunately, quiteA common disease that affects feet and nails caused by certain types of fungus. Initially, the disease manifests itself in the form of small scales in the foot. Then, the same scales remain in the shoes, which leads to infection of other people. Therefore, it is recommended to wear socks during fitting.
Sauna and bath - a great place for the spread of fungus. Increased humidity and heat - the necessary conditions that contribute to the development of bacteria.
In addition, the foot fungus can overtake youwhere people usually walk without shoes. Quite often, the disease occurs in people who have problems with diabetes mellitus, reduced immunity, obesity, if there are microcracks or sores on the feet, erosion.
Signs and symptoms of the disease
Despite numerous pathogensdiseases, the symptoms of the disease, as a rule, are of the same type. In most cases, the foot fungus is filled with a lesion of interdigital folds and at the initial stage does not cause unpleasant sensations. Later the fungus spreads to the lateral surfaces and areas of the foot. How does the fungus manifest?
- The skin becomes unnaturally dry, interdigital peeling occurs.
- Appears itching, redness and the appearance of scales in affected areas.
- There is a burning sensation.
- On the skin bubbles are formed with a clear liquid.
- On the nails, turbidity and thickening of the plate form.
However, the foot fungus does not always manifest itself in the formlisted characteristics. There is also a special, erased form, characterized by pruritus and interdigital ecdysis. Over time, this form passes to the active stage of the disease.
Flexible - foreign body that causes allergicreaction. In the case of increased work of the immune system, the fungus proceeds in severe form. Numerous blisters and erosions appear on the affected areas of the foot.
At the first manifestations of a fungal infection it is recommended to visit a dermatologist, who after the conducted studies will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Treatment of fungus
It is worth noting that the fungus is not a simple disease. In time, not begun treatment will provoke its further development. Therefore, with the first symptoms it is necessary to carry out measures to eliminate it.
It is effective enough treatment with antifungalpreparations - aqueous or alcoholic solutions (methylene blue, boric acid, brilliant greens). Apply the same medicine for the foot fungus - "Microsectin", "Antifungin", "Kanison", "Clotrimazole", etc.
Let's look at folk remedies for foot fungus.
Treatment with iodine and lemon. Lubricate alternately interdigital space with lemon and iodine.
Treatment with coffee trays. Cook strong coffee from ground beans. Let him brew. Mix a glass of coffee in 0.5 liters of warm water and pour into a basin. Lower your legs and let stand for 20 minutes. After pat the feet with a towel. Do the baths daily, preferably before bedtime.
Treatment with soda and salt. Dissolve in a basin with cool water for 1 table. lies. soda and salt. After the procedure, rinse your feet with running water.
Remember - when it's not too late to start treatment of fungal diseases. Its development can be prevented at any stage of the disease. That's why do not drop your hands prematurely and be healthy!