/ / Why is winter dreaming? The dream interpretation will be explained

Why is winter dreaming? The dream interpretation will be explained

As a rule, the arrival of winter causes usconflicting emotions. On the one hand, with the onset of this time of year, very little remains to everyone's favorite New Year's holiday. Also, winter is the time for sledging, skating, skiing, modeling snowmen and other entertainments. And on the other hand, few of us are delighted with frost, icy wind, traffic jams and ice on the sidewalks. And what if the winter dreamed us? What can you expect from such a vision? We propose to address these questions to several of the most complete and popular to date dream books.

winter dream book

What does the winter dream: Gustav Miller's dream

According to this source, this time of year in a dreamacts as a harbinger of deteriorating health and gloomy prospects. Also, such a dream can symbolize your dissatisfaction with the results of the work you have spent a lot of time and work on.

Ancient French dream book: winter

In the opinion of the compilers of this collectioninterpretations of dreams, this time of year promises a dreamer of health problems. If the winter in your vision was very severe and did not retreat for a long time, then in life you will have great luck.

dream dream winter

If the dream of winter: A dream from A to Z

This time of year in a dream promises a serene andquiet existence, humility with the destiny that has been prepared for you. Also, winter can be interpreted as the probability of deterioration of well-being. The snowless beginning of winter with the first frosts promises imaginary fun and joys, which you will later regret. In general, the winter without snow predicts that you will gain no deserved success. If in your dream this time of year was accompanied by heavy snowfalls and high snowdrifts, then in life you will manage to achieve your own wealth and prosperity. Winter snowstorms and blizzards promise the dreamer some difficult and difficult things, the result of which will be unknown for a long time. To get into a snow storm and go astray - to deterioration of health and all sorts of problems at work. If at this time it seems to you that you are about to freeze to death, then in real life you will have a chance to successfully enrich yourself, having received a large inheritance or successfully marrying / marrying. Meet the New Year, when the window is a beautiful snowy winter, - to gaining prosperity. When the winter is rainy and slushy - to worsen relations with relatives and colleagues.

dream-book winter is out of season

What a dream winter: Dream for lovers

The authors of this source consider thisthe time of the year in a dream as a sign, foreshadowing disappointment in love and loneliness. Also a similar vision may reflect the dissatisfaction with your current life.

Winter: A Dream Book White Magus

If you dream that winter has come, and youstill wear summer clothes, then in reality you are constantly confronted with people whose words are at variance with the matter. This fact regularly freaks you out. Try not to take this situation to heart, because with these people you still can not do anything.

Esoteric dream book: winter in summer

Such a dream is considered a good sign, promising a quick improvement in money matters.

Ukrainian Dream Book: winter not in season

According to the compilers of this collection, such a dream predicts a dreamer the arrival of a white band of luck and luck, both in his personal life and in financial matters.

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