/ / Lung cancer: the first symptoms. How not to miss?

Lung cancer: the first symptoms. How not to miss?

Lung cancer is one of the most terrible diseasesour century. Pulmonary oncology ranks first in cancer mortality. The prevalence of this disease is due to the huge number of smokers around the world. This is confirmed by statistics: for 10 people with lung cancer, 9 - heavy smokers.

lung cancer first symptoms

To other factors provoking cancer, you cancarry: harmful production, chronic lung diseases, alcoholism, poor ecology of megacities. The danger of lung cancer is that it is found out late, when the treatment can no longer yield positive results. With the diagnosis of "lung cancer" the first symptoms are not found at the first stage of the disease, and severe pain begins when there are already metastases. And often the pain gives away completely to other places: for example, if the tumor is in the upper part of the lung, the shoulder can hurt, if at the bottom, discomfort can occur in the region of the liver or pancreas. Often the pain with cancer is confused with osteochondrosis.

Lungs' cancer. The first symptoms are:

  • Dyspnea.
  • Persistent cough.
  • Separation of sputum, in later stages - with blood.
  • Sharp weight loss.
  • Malaise.
  • Pain when inhaled or coughing.

If at least some of these symptoms are present in you,you should consult a therapist and take a survey. The earlier the disease is detected, the more chances to save life. After all, pulmonary oncology develops rapidly.
With the disease of lung cancer, the first symptoms may not be quite normal, they appear before the standard signs. Having found them on time, you can significantly simplify the treatment.

Indirect signs of lung cancer:

- Nails on hands become round and convex,and the phalanges of the fingers thicken. The shape of the fingers resembles sausages. This sign is reliable, if it is not a congenital form of nails, but acquired recently. With the diagnosis of "lung cancer," the first symptoms can manifest themselves in this way.

lung cancer symptoms and treatment

- Enlargement of lymph nodes in the cervical,thoracic, axillary zones. Especially becomes noticeable lymph node above the clavicle - the node Virkhova. The increase may be temporary, and then go by itself. This inflammation can not be ignored. You need to do at least a fluorography.

What are the symptoms of lung cancer?

Tumor in the lungs can affect the appearance of the eyes. This occurs if the formation is in the upper lobe of the lung and grows into certain nerve nodes that are associated with the eye. So, three signs: the upper eyelid hangs, the narrowed pupil, which does not react to light, or the eyeball itself goes into the ocular cavity. If one or all of these symptoms are present, then you need to not only turn to the oculist, but also check the lungs.

what are the symptoms of lung cancer

When diagnosed with lung cancer, the symptoms and treatment depend on the stage of the disease.

Lung cancer is treated withsurgical intervention, chemotherapy and radiation. As a rule, these procedures are carried out in a complex manner. It is important to note that cancer is not treated with folk remedies.

The prevention of the disease include: smoking cessation, proper nutrition, exercise, walking outdoors, and, of course, the annual passage of fluorography.

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