Symptoms of pneumonia or how not to confuse a serious disease with a cold
Pneumonia is an acute infectiousdisease of the respiratory system, characterized by damage to lung tissue. The causative agents are bacteria of streptococci, hemophilic rod, staphylococci; intracellular parasites - chlamydia; viruses - influenza, herpes. Also, the cause of pneumonia can be viral infections (SARS and ARI).
What is pneumonia?
Pneumonia or all known inflammation of the lungs -A serious disease that threatens life and requires medical treatment. Pathogens infectious diseases through the lymph and blood penetrate into the lung tissue. Experts are confident that the following factors influence the development of pneumonia: lowering of immunity, hypothermia, physical or psychological overstrain, pregnancy or eating disorders. In modern practice, doctors without visible radiological changes, but on the basis of clinical manifestations of the disease can diagnose "pneumonia."
Why does pneumonia occur?
Experts are confident that in most casesthe development of pneumonia occurs as a result of infectious diseases (influenza, ARI, ARVI). Therefore, the causes of pneumonia are self-treatment of respiratory diseases. Inflammation of the lungs differs from other diseases with increased viscosity of phlegm, which the body of a sick person is not able to withdraw independently. It is in it accumulate harmful bacteria that provoke the inflammatory process.
Symptoms of pneumonia
Quite often the first symptoms of pneumonia are peopleperceived for respiratory diseases. But self-medication of such a serious illness can lead to irreparable consequences, because The usual means here will not help.
So, let's look at the first signs of pneumonia:
- A sore throat
- A slight increase in temperature
- Pain and snoring with inspiration
Call your doctor if, within a few days, you notice the following symptoms:
- Mucous or dry cough. In most cases, a rusty sputum is seen.
- Increase in temperature, indicating the intoxication of the body. And unlike catarrhal diseases, the temperature gets off much more difficult.
- Pain in the chest when coughing or inhaling
There may also be secondary symptoms of pneumonia, similar to colds - a runny nose, weakness, sore throat, pallor.
It is worth noting that the signs of pneumonia in adults and children virtually the same, and the course of the disease have a similar nature.
Treatment of pneumonia
If you have determined the symptoms of pneumonia, thenit is necessary to immediately seek medical help from a therapist. Usually, treatment is carried out in a stationary mode, where qualified personnel will constantly monitor your state of health.
The basis of the treatment is to take antibacterialand expectorants, the dosage of which will be strictly stipulated with the treating doctors. If the patient is present with appropriate indications, then an infusion therapy is prescribed, consisting in droppers with a raster of glucose. If the symptoms of pneumonia indicate a severe form of the disease, the doctor prescribes immunomodulatory therapy.
Folk remedies for the treatment of pneumonia
Remember, this treatment is a set of additional measures that can not serve as a complete replacement for medicines.
Treatment with honey. The most common remedy, which is used for the treatment of colds. Several times a day, use 1 table. lies. natural honey, washing it with warm water.
Treatment with blueberries. At 1 tbsp. boiling water you need 2 teas. lies. dried blueberries. Give them a little infusion and take a solution of ¼ cup 4 times a day.
Collection of herbs. Mix: 2 parts of chamomile, 2 parts of coltsfoot, 2 parts of oregano, 1 part of birch leaves, 2 parts of Ledum. For 0.5 liters of boiling water, take 2 table. lies. mixture of herbs. Boil for 10 minutes and allow to cool. Take 1/3 cup 3 times daily after meals.
Correct and timely treatment of pneumonia is a guarantee of a favorable prognosis and an early recovery. Do not self-medicate and at the first signs, consult a doctor.