/ / Tuberculosis of the lung: symptoms should be alarming

Tuberculosis of the lung: symptoms should be alarming

Tuberculosis of the lungs is definitely infectiousdisease. Infection occurs as a result of infection with mycobacteria tuberculosis, and, sadly, recently, infected people are becoming more and more.

Tuberculosis of the lungs, the symptoms of which can bethe most diverse, depending on the clinical classification. The clinical classification of tuberculosis includes rubrics according to the international statistical classification. The first group includes tuberculosis of the respiratory system. The second - tuberculosis infection of adolescents and children. The third group includes tuberculosis of other organs. And also the characteristics of the tuberculosis process: open and closed forms.

Tuberculosis of the lungs, the symptoms of which areprimary disease manifest as a bronchobular focus in the lungs. But there may be a larger version in the form of a single fragment and even a shared specific pneumonia. At the same time, lymphangitis and regional bronchoadenitis appear. In clinical manifestations, the disease can occur with mild symptoms of intoxication, but, as a rule, begins acutely as a variant of nonspecific pneumonia - with fever, fever, cough and chest pain. Leukocytosis is moderate, ESR has increased values.

Tuberculosis of the lungs, whose symptoms are in the lungs,usually in the lower parts, are characterized by dullness of pulmonary sound, weakened or vesicrobronchial breathing, as well as wet, small bubbling rales. Often, these physical changes may be absent or have a non-permanent character. But in many cases it is possible to observe an increase in lymph nodes. Moreover, women more often than men receive erythema nodosum on their legs. Flicy-negative keratoconjunctivitis may occur.

Tuberculosis of the lung, the symptoms of which canmanifest itself in skin tests, is very dangerous. Approximately 50% of the cases can be pronounced. In the conducted sputum examinations, it is possible to detect mycobacteria of tuberculosis. This may refer to the gastric and bronchial washings.

When X-ray examination clearly visibledeviation. Pulmonary tissue has inflammatory changes (primary affect) and enlarged lymph nodes in the chest, at the root of the lung (regional adenitis).

How is pulmonary tuberculosis manifested? The first thing that should alert a person is a prolonged cough within a month, increasing at night. The feeling of fatigue and weakness, fast fatigue and a long low-grade fever speak of changes in the body. Such symptoms should make the TB doctor call for an X-ray examination. The sooner a diagnosis is made, the sooner the process of restoring health begins. Today, despite long-term treatment, tuberculosis is curable.

How is tuberculosis of the lungs determined? With different clinical forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, symptoms can be different. On the basis of objective reasons and changes that occur in your body: decreased ability to work and appetite, tachycardia, cough dry with sparse sputum. It is necessary to differentiate the beginning of the tuberculosis process from influenza, which are similar to each other at the beginning of the current. Hemoptysis or pulmonary hemorrhage may be the first symptoms of an onset tubercular process.

Launched pulmonary tuberculosis leads to severecomplications and to a lethal outcome, as a rule. Moreover, a person suffering from tuberculosis is a source of infection and poses a threat to society. Tuberculosis of the lungs can be cured, this must be known and must be treated.

The annual passage of fluorography is an obligatory measure that helps to maintain health.

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