/ / Dioxydin - instructions for use and spectrum of action

Dioxydin - instructions for use and spectrum of action

It can not be said that Dioxydin only appeared onpharmacological market. This domestic antibacterial broad-spectrum drug has been used in medicine since 1976 and is successfully used in treatment, not yielding to its leadership similar to the new generation drugs. Dioxydin, instruction for use is pretty-so simple and written in a form that is accessible to the people.

Dioxydin, the instruction for use of whichincludes the pharmacological action, indications, contraindication and the way of application of the preparation, is a transparent liquid of yellowish color with a bitter taste, not odorless. The drug is produced in ampoules of 10 ml of a 1% solution, 10 and 20 ml of a 0.5% solution, and also in the form of an ointment of 25 and 50 g. International name Hydroxymethylquinoxilindioxide (Hydroxymethylquinoxylindioxide). Intravenous, intracavitary and local.

Antibacterial chemotherapeutic agentDioxydin is effective against such infections and bacteria as staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, pathogenic anaerobes, gas gangrene pathogens, dysentery bacillus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Friedlander's rod, and infections caused by a vulgar proteus. It acts on strains of bacteria that are insensitive to other antimicrobial medicines and antibiotics.

Dioxydin application.

It is used for the treatment of complex purulent-inflammatory processes of different localization:

- thoracic cavity (purulent pleurisy, empyema of the pleura, lung abscesses);

- the abdominal cavity (peritonitis, empyema of the gallbladder, cystitis);

-infections of soft tissues, joints, skin and bones(abscesses, phlegmon, tropical ulcers, burn infections, wounds with the presence of purulent cavities that do not heal for a long time, postoperative and others);

- Infections of the central nervous system (purulent meningitis, brain abscesses).

It is used as a preventive maintenance of purulent infections in stomatology, urology, otolaryngology, surgery, neurosurgery, therapy.

In addition to indications for the use of Dioxydin,The instruction for use contains contraindications, which must be taken into account. When treating the drug, there may be negative symptoms, such as nausea, digestive disorders, dizziness, fever, chills, accompanied by convulsive muscle twitching, peroroneum dermatitis. When there are side effects, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug, and if necessary, completely cancel the intake of dioxin. The drug is contraindicated for women who are breastfeeding and pregnant.

Methods of taking Dioxydin. Only strictly according to prescription and under the supervision of a doctorit is allowed to take Dioxydin. Instruction for use indicates that the jet injection of dioxygen is strictly prohibited! Introduced intravenously dropwise 0.5% dioxin, previously diluted in 5% glucose or isotonic sodium chloride solution, to achieve a concentration of 0.1-0.2%. The dose per day should not exceed 600 - 900 mg. In the cavity, inject a 1% solution in an amount of 10 ml with a syringe, catheter or drainage. The daily dose for intracavitary injection is -0.7 g (70ml). How to use the drug Dioxydin for children, the instruction does not describe. Use of the drug is possible only with 14 years. The drug is intended for the treatment of adults. Before the beginning of treatment, a test for the tolerability of the drug is mandatory. If no side effects are detected within 3 to 6 hours, further use is permitted. The course of treatment is usually from 14 to 21 days, if necessary, and the doctor's treatment can be extended.

To date, Dioxydin is one of the best antibacterial drugs that penetrates well and is absorbed into various cells and tissues of the body, destroying infections and bacteria.

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