/ / Medicine "Dioxydin" in the nose of a child - for and against

Dioxydin in the nose of a child - for and against

The drug "Dioxydin" is an effectiveantibacterial agent of a very wide spectrum of action, which copes quite successfully with various infections. Assign it to the treatment of the following purulent-inflammatory processes:

  • purulent pleurisy;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • peritonitis;
  • cystitis;
  • wound with the presence of a deep cavity;
  • postoperative wound.

Use the medication and to prevent complications of an infectious nature.

In addition to the fact that the drug "Dioxydin" is usedas a solution for intravenous administration, it can also be used in the form of drops for the nose. However, in any case, the purchase of this medication is possible only with the prescription of a doctor and only after a preliminary consultation.

Side effects:

  • headache;
  • state of chill;
  • dyspeptic phenomena;
  • cramps and muscle twitching.

In order to avoid the occurrence of side effects,It is necessary to prescribe antihistamines when using Dioxydin. If the side effects still could not be avoided - the dose should be reduced or stop taking the drug.


  • intolerance of any components of the drug;
  • insufficiency of adrenal function;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • kidney disease.

Despite the fact that the drops of "Dioxydin" are shown toadults, in some cases, the doctor may prescribe the drug "Dioxydin" in the nose to the child, although there are severe restrictions on pediatrics. Due to serious contraindications and side effects this drug should be used for children with great care and under the strict supervision of a specialist. Its uncontrolled use is prohibited.

Dioxydin for children is used only in cases when, with the help of other drugs, the therapeutic result has not been achieved, as well as with severe infection severity.

The drug "Dioxydin" in the nose of a child: instruction

As a drop in the nose, the medicine "Dioxydin" can be used to treat a protracted rhinitis in children. Apply 2-3 times a day for 1 drop of 0.5% solution.

The drug "Dioxydin" is often used in the form ofso-called "complex drops", where its effect is enhanced by the hydrocortisone that is part of the product, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and decongesting action, and vasoconstrictor adrenaline.

Using such drops of "Dioxydin" in the nose of a childyou can reduce the time of treatment and prevent complications, besides, the small patient will be comfortable - the medicine does not overdry the nasal mucosa. However, it should be remembered that the drug is toxic, and only a doctor can allow its use and determine its correct dosage.

Nevertheless, with topical application of toxicityof the drug "Dioxydin" is minimal, so it has found its wide application in the treatment of diseases of the "ear-throat-nose" area. Being a powerful antiseptic the drug is able to help in the treatment of chronic otitis and sinusitis.

In the event that there are grounds to suspectthe baby develops sinusitis, will be enough and a few drops of the drug "Dioxydin" in the nose of the child in each nostril to the disease receded. Once in the maxillary sinuses, the drops effectively destroy all pathogens of the infection. As a result, the development of sinusitis will be stopped.

So, the drug "Dioxydin" can only be usedon the advice of a doctor and strictly under his supervision. On the one hand, possessing a powerful antimicrobial effect and a high effective capacity, it can provide relief from purulent infectious processes, the treatment of which was launched. On the other hand, it is a toxic and serious side effects drug. It can be described as an effective but cautious medicine.

Therefore drops "Dioxydin" in the nose of a child can be used only if treatment with other antibacterial drugs is unsuccessful.

Do not forget that uncontrolled treatment can seriously harm the baby's health. Is it worth the risk?

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