Arrhythmia of the heart: causes and symptoms. Prevention and treatment of arrhythmia
Arrhythmia of the heart - a fairly commona disease, the ignoring of which can lead to the worst consequences. The essence of the disease is that the work of the main human organ is disrupted, the rhythm of its contractions. A separate form is a sinus arrhythmia of the heart, which is considered normal and safe within certain limits. Treatment can be different. It depends on the form and stage of the disease. In any case, if you find the first signs of it, you should immediately contact a doctor.
A variety of factors can provoke arrhythmia. The most common diseases include diseases that are directly related to the work of the heart. These are diseases of the brain, circulatory and cardiovascular systems, myocardial disorders, thyroid and adrenal problems. Arrhythmia of the heart, the causes and symptoms of which may appear during infectious diseases or in the climatic period, requires immediate examination and treatment. The basis for the development of the disease can be a violation of a healthy lifestyle: lack of vitamins, excess weight, alcohol and smoking, stress and excessive stress, both emotional and physical.
The presence of such a disease immediately gives itselfto know, therefore, it is easy to identify. Arrhythmia of the heart, the causes and symptoms of which are indicative of problems of another nature, may be accompanied by weakness and pain in the heart and chest. They sometimes give in the left hand. Patients may have the impression that the heart is not beating. Sometimes, with the diagnosis of "cardiac arrhythmia", the patients' reviews state the appearance of dry mouth, coughing, dizziness, dyspnea, fever, fainting.
Types of disease
Depending on the nature of the arrhythmia subdivideon several species that differ in the symptoms and methods of treatment. If the frequency of cardiac contractions is sharply reduced, then one can speak of the development of a bradycardia. Increased pulse indicates a tachycardia. If there are extraordinary shortening and gradually increasing their number, then these are the symptoms of extrasystole. With atrial fibrillation, cardiac contractions are uneven. The slowing and cessation of impulse passage through the structure of the myocardium indicates the presence of cardiac blockades. This is a very dangerous condition, since the pulse may not be felt at all. Still distinguish sinus arrhythmia, ventricular fibrillation and atrial flutter.
Extrasystoles are contractions of the heart, whichare produced prematurely. The source of their electrical impulse is not in the sine node. Any heart disease of an arrhythmia of this nature can accompany, but communication in most cases with it can not be established. Often among these ailments are vegetative and psychoemotional disorders, smoking, drug treatment. Patients do not feel extrasystoles, which can lead to heart sinking.
It is believed that gastric extrasystoles are the most unpleasant and dangerous. They can trigger the appearance of fibrillation of the ventricles.
Atrial fibrillation
Another name for this type is fibrillationof the atria. It develops as a complication of violations of the normal rhythm of the heart. This is one of the most common disorders of the heart rate. Among the causes of the development of the disease is to identify problems with the thyroid gland. Symptoms of atrial fibrillation are not very different from other types of disease. The patient is often disturbed by fainting, darkening in the eyes, a sense of fear, chest pain, lack of air.
The nature of arrhythmia can be different - from a shortan attack lasting a few minutes to a protracted state, which is measured in days. In the first case, it is not necessary to use medicines or other medical measures, but in the second without medical intervention can not do without.
Atrial flutter
The frequency of contractions of the heart with flutterthe atria can reach 400 per minute. The problem very rarely arises by itself. Most often, the disorder is associated with other cardiac dysfunctions. The causes of atrial fluttering are organic heart diseases, preliminary coronary artery bypass grafting, or surgery. The clinical picture of pathology is marked by a sharp increase in the frequency of heart contractions, a violation of its rhythm, general weakness, low blood pressure. The patient on this background often loses consciousness and falls into fainting. Quite often there are cases when atrial flutter turns into fibrillation.
Supraventricular tachycardia
This pathology is known by another nameAtrial tachycardia. The disease develops in a small area of the atria tissue. Over time, the whole heart becomes inflamed and the natural rhythm is disturbed. The presence of this disease implies a periodic acceleration of the heart rate, not caused by physical exertion, fever or stress. Symptomatics in each case can be different. In some patients, the disease may not manifest itself at all or may be manifested only by the increase in pulsation. In other cases, there is dizziness, fainting, sweating, pain or pressure in the chest, fatigue, frequent urination.
Ventricular tachycardia
The essence of pathology is that it causes accelerationheart rhythm that comes from the ventricles. At a rhythm frequency of up to 200 beats per minute, the heart can not properly fill with blood. As a result, blood in the body is expelled in smaller portions. This kind of arrhythmia is especially difficult for those patients who already suffer from other cardiac diseases.
Ventricular tachycardia is divided into a stable andunstable. In the first case, a decrease in the ripple frequency and a decrease in blood pressure are observed. Also, patients may suffer from excessive sweating, impaired consciousness. When symptoms of this type of arrhythmia are detected, qualified help is needed. After all, this threatens a spontaneous stop of blood circulation. Such an arrhythmia of the heart, whose causes and symptoms do not have a pronounced character, is detected only when monitoring the ECG.
Ventricular fibrillation
The disease implies a disorganized flowpulses from the ventricles in a continuous order, which causes a flutter of the ventricles. As a result, the pumping of blood through the body is complicated, which requires immediate resuscitation in the cardiopulmonary unit. The condition is very dangerous because if you do not help a person for 10 minutes, it can end in a lethal outcome. Blood supply of the body does not occur, while the heart is contracted with a frequency of 300 beats per minute. Symptoms of the pathology may resemble the picture of clinical death, namely, lack of breathing and pulse, dilated pupils, loss of consciousness, the appearance of seizures, blueness of the skin.
Symptoms of sinus arrhythmia
Such an arrhythmia of the heart, the causes and symptoms of whichare similar to the characteristics of an ordinary disorder, occurs due to an incorrect sinus rhythm. This type of disease is characterized by the irregularity and irregularity of the formation of a pulse in the nerve node. The disease can be detected without difficulty, since at the first stage there is a fainting or a pre-patchy condition, dizziness, sudden and prolonged fatigue. Symptoms occur with sudden and prolonged pauses between contractions. The reason for such pauses lies in the blockade of sinus pulses and the impossibility of passing through the tissues. In some cases, sinus arrhythmia may be accompanied by darkening in the eyes, sudden fainting, sudden shortness of breath, rapid or too slow heartbeat, chest pain.
Symptoms of heart block
The reason for this variant of arrhythmia is a slowdownprocesses of impulses. Blockades are present in the intraventricular form, in the atrioventricular and sinoatrial. Degrees of blockades are from I to III. Their character can be persistent or transient. Blockades can be caused by the use of certain medications, myocarditis, cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction. Very rarely, in practice, there is an innate variant of this pathology. Symptoms of blockade include the appearance of seizures and fainting. As a result of the development of the disease can cause heart failure, angina, or sudden death.
Treatment and prevention
If a person has an arrhythmia of the heart,treatment, medication or hospitalization are simply necessary, since the consequences can be the worst. Actions should be primarily aimed at reducing symptoms and fighting the root cause. When a patient has such a serious illness as cardiac arrhythmia, the symptoms, treatment and behavior of the patient must fully correspond to each other and work together. In order to overcome the disease as effectively as possible, it is necessary to give up harmful habits, avoid stress, eat rationally, lead a healthy lifestyle. Categorically it is not recommended to overload yourself with physical work, because this is also a strong burden on the heart.
If the patient is diagnosed with an arrhythmiaheart "that it is probably the most common question to take him in. First, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the treatment depending on the type of pathology and severity of the condition.As a rule, the first actions should be lifestyle changes, drug therapy or surgical As for drugs, in most cases, antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed.To avoid the severe consequences that cardiac arrhythmia can cause, treatment, drugs or surgery should be undertaken To avoid the occurrence of a stroke due to the formation of thrombi, it is necessary to take anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs.
Other treatments
With the development of the disease "cardiac arrhythmia"treatment, drugs and drugs may be ineffective. In those cases when medicines are unable to eliminate the problem, cardioversion is carried out. The essence of the procedure is that a temporarily acting anesthetic is introduced into the chest, and then an electric current is directed to this region. As a result, the work of the heart is synchronized, the adequate rhythm of the heart is restored. Some forms of the disease are treated with a cardioverter-defibrillator, which is implanted to observe and support the heart muscle.
To eliminate the root cause of arrhythmiasurgical intervention can be used. The operation is performed on a labyrinth, when the sections along the left and right atrium are cut. Sometimes after the operation, the patient is implanted with a pacemaker.
In case of suspected development of any kindailment "arrhythmia of the heart" prevention will help to avoid possible consequences and to conduct treatment more effectively. Each separate case of the disease requires a thorough examination, proper diagnosis and adequate treatment, so when a characteristic symptomatology occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.