/ / At what illnesses swell up legs or foots

At what illnesses feet swell up

Swelling of the feet is the result of excessivefluid accumulation in the body or inflammatory process in injured areas: tissues or joints. Most often this condition is a symptom of a disease, however, it is quite probable cause - excessive physical stress on the legs. In this article we will try to find out why the legs swell.

Heart Dysfunction

The heart is one of the most important organs. If the heart is not functioning properly and can not cope with the load, this can be the cause of swelling of the legs. Cardiac edema has a number of characteristic signs:

  • They slowly develop: during the weeks, months, and therefore practically do not go away.
  • Try an experiment: Push the front of the lower leg over the bone, hold the finger for 1-2 seconds. If there is a hollow that slowly disappears, then the problem is in the poor performance of the heart.
  • Edema, characteristic of heart failure, begins with the legs and lower abdomen, spread symmetrically.
  • They are combined with shortness of breath, tachycardia, pallor.

Edema of this kind occurs with severe heart failure, and with compensation disappear.


For swelling of the legs with this disease are characterized by some features:

  • At the beginning of development of varicose, the swelling of the legs is not very pronounced.
  • It is noticeable in the second half of the day, disappears by morning due to a long horizontal position, and then reappears.
  • With time, swelling becomes more pronounced, there are ulcers and pigmentation on the skin.
  • In this disease, edema is asymmetrical (as opposed to cardiac), and, as a rule, are located on one leg.

Dysfunction of the kidneys

When swollen legs due to irregularities infunctioning of the kidneys, this should be given special attention, since an acute inflammatory process is likely leading to death in some "neglected" cases. Renal edema is easy to detect:

  • Swelling in the area under the eyes, gradually spreading to the entire face.
  • The facial skin is pale, the edema itself is loose and soft.
  • Swelling occurs quickly, during one night or several days.
  • Unlike cardiac edema, kidneys are not accompanied by shortness of breath.
  • There are other symptoms of kidney pathology: headache and lumbar pain, general weakness, as well as changes in color and amount of urine.
  • May occur after a short time after suffering angina or ARVI.


With allergic reactions, swelling often occurs. They are very specific, therefore their identification does not cause difficulties:

  • If the legs are swollen due to an allergy, then this happens only after contact with the allergen.
  • Swelling occurs quickly (this may take several minutes).
  • Most often begins with the area of ​​the eyelids, lips and has no restriction in the spread.
  • It is accompanied by itching.

When confirming the allergic edema, you needimmediately take an antihistamine drug (for example, "Ketotifen", "Diazolin", "Tavegil" if a large area is captured, you can inject "Suprastin"). The fact is that swelling in a short time can spread to the larynx, and in this case there will be asthma, so an early reaction is so important.

Too much fluid intake

Excessive drinking can also cause swelling,which pass after a while without special treatment. To accelerate the recovery process, you can take a diuretic and harmless drug - tea from the dog rose.

Long walking and overweight

With a heavy load on the legs in combination with runningor walking, swelling may also develop. This is a borderline between the disease and the norm, therefore, it is not necessary to treat this type of edema with medical preparations. The problem is solved by weight loss and reduced physical exertion. As a rule, swelling passes quickly after rest.

If you have swollen feet for some unknown reason, do not self-medicate, but seek professional help from a doctor.

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