/ / The drug "Colchicine". Instructions for use

The drug "Colchicine". Instructions for use

The drug "Colchicine" belongs to the group of alkaloids andother cytostatic agents of plant origin. The drug has antipodagric, analgesic effect. The agent has antimitotic effect, inhibiting lympho- and leukopoiesis, reduces utilization of non-phagocytic and phagocytizing leukocytes of glucose, prevents the formation of amyloid fibrils. The drug contributes to the violation of neuromuscular transmission, stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract. The agent has a depressing effect on the respiratory center, increases blood pressure, narrows the blood vessels, lowers the temperature. Suction comes from the digestive system quickly. The medicine passes intestinal-hepatic recirculation. High concentrations of medication are found in the spleen, liver and kidneys. The remedy is excreted through the kidneys and with bile.

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Medication "Kolkhitsin". Instructions for use. Indications

The agent is prescribed for gouty attacks,to prevent the recurrence of gouty attacks of an acute nature, especially during the first two years after the onset of receipt of hypoarrhythmic medicines. The indications include systemic scleroderma, Behcet's disease, amyloidosis, familial Mediterranean fever.

The medicine "Kolkhitsin". Instructions for use. Side effect

colchicine preparation

On the basis of medication may be noteddyspeptic manifestations. In particular, there is nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia. Typically, such symptoms are characteristic of the condition after taking high doses. The negative consequences include temporary alopecia, an increase in the content of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase and alkaline phosphatase, hepatic insufficiency, and kidney disorders. The drug can provoke myelosuppression (leukopenia, aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia), myopathy, depression, reversible aspermia. During therapy peripheral neuritis, allergic skin reactions, malabsorption syndrome, expressed, in particular, by a lack of vitamin B12 are noted. With intravenous injection, local irritation arises.

Means "Colchicine". Instructions for use. additional information

colchicine user's manual

Medication is able to enhance actionsympathomimetic and depressive drugs. On the basis of application, there is a violation of absorption of vitamin B12. When combined with NSAIDs and other drugs provoking myelodepression, the probability of thrombocytopenia and leukopenia increases. Cytotoxic drugs are able to reduce the anti-gout effect (increases the content of uric acid).

The drug "Colchicine". Instructions for use. Overdose

When poisoning with medication, nausea,soreness in the mouth and abdominal region, severe diarrhea, vomiting, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. Overdose is characterized by burning of the skin, decreased myocardial contractility, dehydration with hypovolemic shock and hypotension, hematuria, convulsions, respiratory depression, ascending paralysis, oliguria. Probably occurrence of hepatocellular injury, renal failure of acute course, pulmonary infiltrates. Five days after the drug poisoning, depression in the bone marrow with thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, may begin. Treatment of patients in an overdose state is carried out at a toxicological center.

Means "Colchicine". Instructions. Price

The cost of the medication is from 1450 rubles.

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