/ / How is the characteristic written in court

How is the characteristic written in court

Often causes some difficulty writingThe characteristics that are required by a lawyer or the judiciary. When it is compiled, it is necessary not only to describe the personal qualities of a person, but also his behavior in everyday life, attitudes towards family values, property status. A characterization is made to the court, as a rule, in cases of bringing a person to administrative liability, his participation in criminal proceedings. It is an official document.

In the case where such a characteristic is requiredfrom the employer, the main value in it is information about the social and labor activity of the employee. Preferably looks the option of assessing personal qualities directly by the manager, who was able to study the worker in detail and is able to most fully reproduce certain features of his character. It is even better to consult the representative of the authority that sent the request in advance and find out what exactly the document should contain.

Rules of registration and drawing up of businesscorrespondence must be observed necessarily, since the characteristics of the court from the organization is attached to the materials of the proceedings. Hence the basic requirements for the availability of the requisites of the originator. Registration of the characteristics is made on the company letterhead or on the standard A4 sheet with the angular stamp of the employer. In an extreme case, all identification information should be contained in the press, which affixes the signature of the head. It is desirable to have an outgoing number and the date of drawing up the document. Characterization in court can contain several structural blocks, separated by paragraphs. Include in the title the employee's full name and position.

In the subparagraphs of the text it is necessary to list the following:

- a short questionnaire indicating the education and available specialties, if there is information about the service in the army, they too will not be prevented from reflecting;

- the composition of the family of the employee, the number of persons on its content;

- briefly describe the work biography in your organization: when he is hired, on what posts he worked, what is included in his duties;

- evaluate its business, professional and personal qualities, if the employee was encouraged or was subjected to penalties - specify for what;

- Describe his behavior in everyday life.

When writing the text, you should be at the mostobjective, to give a frank assessment of the nature, knowledge and skills. Characterization of the court from the place of work can significantly affect the fate of your employee, so you should not be shy about such expressions as diligence and responsibility, goodwill, honesty, sociability. Positive feedback from the employer is a big plus when considering a case in court.

A slightly simpler householdcharacterization in court. Preparing for it, as a rule, prints the authorized representatives of a citizen involved in legal proceedings. It may not have the requisites or seals of any organizations. The main condition for its assurance is the detailed information of its neighbors, its confirmers, their addresses and telephones (ideally - passport data or photocopies of passports).

In order to demonstrate how the character looks in court, a sample of its writing (example) will be given below.

Left - corner stamp with details. Right - the addressee or the executor of the request.

Further with center alignment:

Characteristics on IA Pupko, senior mechanic of OOO Prima.

Pupko Ivan Andreevich, 05.07.ХХХХ birth, secondary technical education, specialty mechanic. He is married and has a three-year-old son. Prior to employment in OOO "Prima" he served in Armenia (in 2009-2010). In 2011, he worked in the state of emergency "Monolith" as a mechanic technician - he has a positive recommendation.

Pupko I.A. is an employee of Prima LLC in the city of NNN since January 2012 and is currently working as a senior mechanic. Performs duties to repair and maintain the car fleet of the organization. Hard-working, able to make non-standard decisions, gravitates toward active work. Does not avoid making independent and informed decisions. Despite his young age, he has deep knowledge of the design of cars. Violations of labor discipline was not allowed, encouraged by the leadership for conscientious work and trouble-free operation of machinery. For the purpose of professional growth, he studies in absentia at the university (name).

In the team - friendly, sociable. Conflict situations try to be avoided, capable of compromises. Overly ambitious, seeks to increase its authority. Tactful, respectful to management.

In everyday life, he adheres to norms and principlesuniversal communion. His bad habit is smoking, he does not abuse alcohol. Always neat, neat. In a family, the relationship is strong, benevolent. He devotes much time to raising his son. The financial position is satisfactory, the living conditions are a rented apartment.

The characteristic was compiled for the NNN district court.

Date, title and signature of the head, seal.

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