/ / 5 products that can not be eaten to lose weight. How to keep weight in the norm

5 products that can not be eaten to lose weight. How to keep weight in the norm

You want to know about 5 products that can not beis there to lose weight? Then our article is just written for you! A good figure is worth it to go for her for some restrictions, do you agree? Well, if so, then read the article, use our advice and slim your health!

Why does the body accumulate fat?

Before you start to understand that you can not eat to lose weight, let's talk about why the excess fat in our body can accumulate. In fact, there are several reasons for these:

  • Slow metabolism.
  • Constant overeating.
  • Eating too high-calorie foods or foods with a high glycemic index.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Some diseases (disorders of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalance, etc.).

In the framework of this article, we will only talk aboutthird paragraph. But people who dream of losing weight, and they do not get anything, it is necessary to learn full information about the possible causes of obesity.

5 products you can not eat to lose weight

Without long forewords, we will immediately announce the entire list, and then we will go into detail on each of its lines. So, if you are determined to lose weight, you will have to impose a strict taboo on:

  • Sugar.
  • Bread and flour products.
  • Potatoes.
  • White peeled rice.
  • Fat meat.

Just do not say: "And then what will we have in general?" You will not stay hungry! Vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish (including fat), sour-milk products, eggs - all this will remain in your diet.

As for our forbidden list, hereits decoding: sugar, bread and various pastry rolls with pies and cookies, potatoes (especially fried) and white peeled rice are products with a very high glycemic index. Its values ​​indicate the rate of degradation of carbohydrates in different foods when they enter the human body. That is, the faster this process goes, the higher the glycemic index (GI).

5 products that you can not eat to lose weight

Another indicator of harm to the figure of one or anotherfood - it's calorie. In sugar almost 400 kcal per 100 grams, in one piece of white bread - from 100 to 125 kcal, in 100 g of fried potatoes - 192 kcal, and in white rice - 116 kcal. These figures do not look so terrible just because very small stogram portions are indicated, but in fact the same rice, cooked in the form of pilaf, is eaten in much larger quantities. A separate topic - fatty meat - is a protein product, and consequently, its GI is zero, but the caloric content ... is simply monstrous and can reach 500 kcal per 100 g, depending on what type of meat is used in cooking.

Be careful - holidays!

Of course, on weekdays, follow the figure mucheasier than on holidays. But what to do when the New Year or the birthday of a friend is coming? After all, on the festive table, all 5 products that can not be eaten to lose weight, as a rule, are mandatory. What now, to look like a white crow? Of course not!

I want to lose weight that you can not eat

Holidays are so good that they are not everyday. If you have carefully monitored your diet for a long time, then on a festive day it is quite permissible to pamper yourself. But only within reasonable limits! You can eat a small piece of cake, and fat foie gras, but most importantly, that the next day everything was as before.

How to keep the result achieved?

Find out how not to gain weight - this is stillhalf a dozen. But how to keep it at the correct mark of the scales? After all, very often, losing weight, a person simply does not know how to behave further and begins to recover again. To prevent this from happening, one must constantly treat with attention to everything that gets in the mouth, and count up calories, at least approximately.

how not to gain excess weight

The calorie table should become your friend. Hang it on the fridge, and very soon you will be able to memorize it almost by heart. As for those products harmful to the figure, which are discussed in this article, they can only be eaten in moderation.

And of course, you need to move more. Even the banal morning exercise is good for keeping slim. Walk more, breathe fresh air, do not use elevators, swim in summer, ski and skate in winter. In fact, it is not so difficult to hold weight, if you make constant efforts.

Additional Information

From this article you learned about 5 products thatyou can not eat to lose weight. Now we want to add something to this information. Of course, apart from the five mentioned, there are many more products that can negatively affect the size of our waist.

Here, for example, mayonnaise - very high-calorie andtasty thing! People just love to fill them with salads. Nothing will be terrible if you add a couple of spoons of mayonnaise to the taste of a salad bowl. But, unfortunately, we often violate this norm. Meanwhile, the classic mayonnaise sauce contains approximately 680 kcal per 100 g. Now imagine what will happen if you start eating baskets of useful salads that are excessively flavored with such a seasoning ... Nothing good for the figure - that's for sure! It is useless constantly to ask others: "I want to lose weight, that you can not eat?", And having received an answer, continue to pour fatty sauces into your food - this is the way towards obesity.

that you can not eat to lose weight

Now a little about vegetable oil, which tooSometimes it just flows like a river into plates losing weight. For some reason, people think that there are very few calories in it. In fact, the opposite is true: the average caloric value of vegetable oils is 900 kcal per 100 g. As you can see, even more than mayonnaise. So, preparing yourself an easy and useful diet for weight loss, take this information into account.

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