/ / How to lose weight in 10 days, and is it really possible to do it at all?

How to lose weight in 10 days, and is it really possible to do it at all?

The question of how to lose weight in 10 days, with the beginningA warm season takes the minds of many girls. Yesterday it was cool outside, but today it has become much warmer, but it's impossible to get into your favorite lungs. A crazy thought comes to mind: you need to lose weight at any cost and as soon as possible, for ten days! However, how many kilograms can be lost in such a period?

There is a fairly large numberten-day diets, promising a quick result. The figures are different: thus, one diet guarantees the loss of five, the other seven, the third - even ten kilograms of weight! Unfortunately, in most cases, this ultra-fast weight loss is nothing more than a utopia. The same diet can act quite differently on different people. Someone, perhaps, will manage to lose weight by seven kilograms or more, but more often the effect will be much more modest. Weight loss depends on many factors: not only on the caloric content of the diet, but also on motor activity, age, and finally, the individual characteristics of metabolism. Therefore, do not rush to rejoice at finding on one of the sites the answer to the question you are concerned with about how to lose weight in 10 days - in your case this method may not work.

Below is one of the options for the ten-daydiet. It is suitable for those who are interested in how to lose weight in 10 days by 5 kg or more, as it helps to lose over this period, according to reviews, up to seven kilograms of excess weight. The first and second day on this ten-day diet are designed to "unload" the body and prepare it for limiting the diet. There are these days you can only apples, not very sweet, better green, and drink - mineral water and green tea, which in the evening is allowed to add a teaspoon of honey. The third and fourth days: for breakfast you can eat oatmeal without salt, boiled on water, and drink a cup of unsweetened coffee. Lunch: the third day - 150 grams of boiled meat, one tomato. The fourth day is more "hungry": at lunch you can eat only two apples and one lemon slice. Supper: on the third day a glass of boiled rice and tea with lemon are supposed, in the fourth - only an apple and a small orange.

The menu of the fifth day with this diet is perhaps the mostnourishing and diverse. For breakfast, this means a salad of raw carrots, seasoned with lemon juice, 150 grams of cottage cheese, a glass of natural yogurt. At lunch you can eat two baked potatoes and two eggs, as well as a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers. Finally, for dinner, as on the third day, put the boiled rice and tea with lemon.

The sixth day of a ten-day diet is carbohydrate,breakfast and lunch - oatmeal, and dinner - rice. The ration of the seventh day is quite poor: for breakfast you can only drink a cup of coffee, at lunch - eat vegetable broth, 150 grams of cottage cheese and an apple, and for dinner - to drink a glass of yogurt. Eighth day: for breakfast - again oatmeal, for lunch - again vegetable broth and apple, and instead of cottage cheese - orange. Over dinner, you can eat 150 grams of boiled fish and drink tea with lemon.

The ninth day begins with kefir: nothing more can be eaten at breakfast. For lunch, it is necessary to eat a piece of boiled fish and three apples, for dinner - 150 grams of beef and a glass of rice. Finally, the tenth day: for breakfast - only kefir (200 ml), for lunch - only a glass of tea with honey, and for dinner - rice, a small orange and lemon slice.

According to the authors of this diet, this is one of thethe most successful examples of how to lose weight in 10 days, just by changing your diet. This diet is called "Healthy intestine for 10 days" - it, it would seem, not only helps to get rid of excess kilograms, but also helps the body to purify itself of toxins. However, it should be understood: rapid weight loss in any case is fraught with trouble. For example, due to a sharp weight loss, your skin may lose weight - thus, despite the loss of extra pounds, your figure will still be far from ideal. In addition, any hard diet is a stress for the body, so the question of how to lose weight in 10 days, it is better not to ask at all.

Anyone who wants to meet spring and summer infully armed, must understand: to begin preparations for the summer season should be in advance. A genuinely sensible person will never be interested in how to lose 10 kg in 10 days, because such a rapid weight loss is simply dangerous. According to dieticians, safe weight loss is a loss of not more than one kilogram per week. Yet other rapid ways of losing weight can not only lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases, but also cause new ills.

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