/ How to accelerate metabolism and lose weight: everything is possible. The main thing is a reasonable approach

How to speed up metabolism and lose weight: everything is possible. The main thing is a reasonable approach

A variety of diets and exercise programs every dayoccurs weight. So, recently many are interested in how Inna Volovichova lost weight. Yes, indeed, out of sheer she turned into a slender girl. Her method is to combine diet and exercise in the fitness club. Most likely, the program was made with due regard for its physiological characteristics, so do not be inspired by the success of someone, try on this method for yourself. So, if you believe the information published in open sources, she attended the gym six days a week, and even in the evening, which is not easy for the trained, let alone all the rest. And this despite the fact that the lessons were combined with a fairly meager diet. Therefore, the question of what price was given to her harmony, remains open.

how to accelerate metabolism and lose weight
Another way to normalize your weight is to influenceon the processes of metabolism, accelerating it in various ways. You can do this without loss for your health, and its advantage is that it will be quite possible to maintain the achieved success. Of course, there is no magic pill that will affect the metabolic rate. Do not think that you can easily lose weight if you accelerate metabolism. This is achieved through comprehensive measures, which are described below. In any case, you have to work hard.

How to Speed ​​Up Metabolism and Lose Weight: Health Issues

As you know, all people are different and the speed of exchangesubstances they are also not the same. Of course, it's difficult to argue with genetics, but to normalize these processes in the event that they are slow, it's quite real.

The first thing you need to do is checkyour health. It's trite, but a number of diseases are accompanied by disruptions in metabolic rate. Examples include autoimmune processes in the thyroid gland. In this case, a person can eat right, but at the same time be plump. Therefore, before trying to influence the metabolic processes, you should check whether everything is in order with the body.

How to accelerate metabolism and lose weight: common sense in the matter of nutrition

Many in pursuit of a slender figure put themselveson a rigid diet, courageously suffer all the inconveniences associated with it, see the first positive results, rejoice, and then the weight stops and does not move from the spot. It's simple: the body adapts to everything, and if it does not receive enough calories, compensatory processes are activated in the course of time, in this case - a decrease in the metabolic rate.

Therefore, the diet should be considered not only withpoint of view of the amount of energy consumed, but also of its qualitative composition. Not just on the packaging of all products without exception, the number of calories contained in them is indicated. And also the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Playing these components, you can influence your weight without losing your health.

how thin inna wolovicheva
It is known that different foods require the bodycompletely unequal "labor" for its digestion. For example, in order to process a lunch with a high protein content, the body will have to spend a lot of energy. Hence the benefits from the point of view of losing weight. Another advantage of such food is that it is a building material for muscles that also consume energy.

Another "fat-eaters" can be called teaand coffee. They also have an effect on metabolic processes, accelerating them. Only need to drink them without sugar. Carbohydrates are necessary to the body, but preferably not fast (chocolate, sweet pastry), but long (whole grain bread, cereals, legumes, some types of vegetables and fruits).

Products, to some extent acceleratingMetabolism, a lot. This and the much-advertised grapefruit (which was consumed daily by Inna Volovichova), ginger and cinnamon, which can be added to tea, such seasonings as mustard and red pepper.

How to accelerate metabolism and lose weight: exercise

Another way to increase the speed of exchangesubstances is a sport activity. So, a kilogram of muscle mass for its life support burns much more energy than the same amount of fat. Morality is obvious. How to accelerate metabolism and lose weight through training? Do it regularly, while training should combine aerobic and power loads. The first will help burn the maximum number of calories during the lesson, the second - to build muscle mass, and the complex - to do both. Separately it is worth noting that training, including aerobic and power work, help to achieve better results.

easy to lose weight if you accelerate metabolism
The second important point: recovery processes after physical exertion. It is known that after intensive training for a day or two after their end, an increase in metabolic rate is observed. This is explained by the processes of recovery in muscle tissue.

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