/ How to Build a Tent. Instructions for use.

How to build a tent. Instructions for use.

Every fisherman or amateur hiking vacation in thearsenal must be a tent, because it is convenient to bring it to nature and in any place you like to install it and spend the night without problems with gnats, mosquitoes and other creeping and flying "neighbors." If you have not had time to buy yourself such a necessary thing and have no idea how to install and disassemble it, then this article is right for you. The theme "how to build a tent" is very relevant and is often discussed on forums and pages of Internet sites.

A variety of hobbies in humans is enoughis great. For example, collecting various items: brands, figurines, coins. Or reading and buying different genres of books. Useful for health, developing and educating hobbies in various sports. Among them - travel, hiking, biking, mountaineering and much more.

In order to professionally engage in that orother kind of sports or a sportive kind of rest, special attributes are necessary, which make it possible to feel comfortable in any situation, it is convenient to move around and relax in nature.

So that you can easily spend the night onby the sea or the river, in the forest, you will definitely need a tent. You can buy it now without problems. In any specialized store you are happy to be offered more than one option. Tents differ in their area and in the number of people who can fit in them; the quality of the fabric from which they are made; design and useful additions.

After this necessary thing has already appearedat home, of course, you will have to train in how to build a tent, because there will certainly be a great desire to look at this interesting device in its deployed and installed form. To deploy a Chinese tent, we will not need much effort and time, it will do it in a matter of seconds, it is only to take it out of the cover. But when you start to collect it, it turns out that not everything is as simple as it seemed. You will have to suffer.

After it becomes clear that here it is necessarythink hard and work with your hands, you will need an answer to the question: how to build a tent-machine. Where can you find the answer to this difficult question? Maybe we can be prompted by some knowledgeable fisherman in these matters? No, we better resort to another method.

Instructions for use can be found on the Internet,because, as a rule, Chinese manufacturers do not attach it to the tent itself. In the World Wide Web, you can see both video and text, illustrated with additional photos instruction. She tells us in detail how to build a tent.

What is necessary to do this?

Prepare a bag. Then it is necessary to fold the tent in the form of a triangle, so that it becomes flat. The next stage - the triangle needs to be rolled into a ring, but for this you will have to make efforts and show ingenuity. How can this be done? We put the tent itself with a pyramid, which means that its base and two corners lie on the floor, the top of the tent is directed upwards (you can lean against the wall). We proceed further. Press the foot of the foot to the floor and bend the tent - its top to the bottom. The most difficult is yet to come. We begin to turn the tent into a tube. At the same time, two corners will start to rise, right and left. It is worthwhile to help them a little. Now they curled up in rings and lay comfortably and comfortably in the bag. All. The tent is collapsed. Now you know how to assemble a Chinese tent and what tricks it is worth using so that it conveniently and nicely lies in your own bag-pouch.

After reading the article, how to build a tent, we can offer an easier and more visual way of instruction - watching a video with detailed instructions on the Internet.

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