/ / Means of physical education: types and features

Physical Education: Types and Features

The health of our children depends on how responsibly we ourselves approach this issue. Modern means of physical education allow to instill in the child love for an active way of life. What should it be composed of? Let's figure it out.

How to conduct physical education?

means of physical education

As you know, health promotion is not onlydirectly physical exercise and exercise, but also a number of procedures related to hygiene. That is why the existing means of physical education can be reduced to three varieties:

  • physical exercises;
  • natural forces of nature (meaning the impact of the sun, air, water on the body);
  • measures of public and personal hygiene.

The use of these varieties in combination is the most harmonious and effective way to properly heal children.

Exercises: types and features

The most effective means of physical education- this is the physical exercises that are expressed in motor actions. Their effectiveness depends, first of all, on what their content is. It refers to the physiological, psychological, biomechanical processes that occur in the body during the performance of an exercise.

means and methods of physical education

As a rule, the exercises are aimed athealth improvement of the body, as well as on educational impact on the individual. Means of physical education assume that health classes can be held both individually and in a group. It is important that in the process of collective training, everyone agrees with the actions of the group, that is, the personality of the general strategy of action is subordinated. Any physical exercise consists of three phases: preparatory, basic and final. That is, first you need to create favorable conditions for the performance of the action, then the actions themselves are performed, and at the final stage they are completed.

Means and methods of physical education suggest that in the process of the exercise should take into account the following indicators:

  • spatial and temporal characteristics (body position, trajectory, amplitude, duration of movements and tempo);
  • dynamic characteristics (that is, the interaction of internal forces: muscle traction, resistance and gravitational forces, friction, environmental resistance).

means of physical education of children

However, the means of physical education of children will not be so effective if you do not payattention to the healing forces of nature. At the same time, the natural forces of nature must create favorable conditions for active living. For example, performing exercises on the seashore or in the forest significantly activate the biological processes that cause physical exercise, so the body becomes more efficient and hardy. In addition, the healing natural forces are expressed in such procedures as the adoption of air baths or tempering.

Promotes health and increasesthe impact of exercise on the body and hygiene factors. This includes personal and public hygiene, compliance with a certain sleep and nutrition regime, the general routine of the day and motor activity. If you do not pay due attention to hygiene measures, the effect of exercise will be much lower.

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