/ / Characteristics for the graduate of the 9th class for admission: sample, features

Characteristics for the graduate of the 9th grade for admission: sample, features

Characteristics for a graduate of grade 9 - one ofimportant official documents in the work of teachers. It should adequately represent the personality of the student, his success in learning activity, ability and motivational sphere. A characterization can be made if the graduate is transferred to another school or admitted to a secondary specialized school.

characterization for a graduate of grade 9

Structure of the characteristic

The characterization for a graduate of grade 9 should include a list of basic data about him. This list is a kind of skeleton on which the document is built.

  1. Title ("cap"): the name of the document, school and class, name of the student, his year of birth and place of residence.
  2. Information on the period of schooling, general data on academic performance, achievements in educational and public activities, the attitude of the student to these areas, which sciences preferred.
  3. Description of additional duties (if any) that the student performed.
  4. Features of relations characterized in the team, with educators.
  5. Description of the character traits, temperament, inclinations and interests of the student.
  6. Cultural horizons, features of extracurricular life, achievements in extracurricular activities.
  7. Features of education (brief information about the family).
  8. Date and signatures of responsible persons (class teacher, director).

A sample of the characteristics of a graduate of grade 9 forThe income should also be supplemented by the teacher's recommendations regarding the readiness of the student to acquire professional knowledge, what abilities correspond to it.

characteristics of a graduate of the 9th grade for admission

Basic requirements for drawing up a test

Characteristics for a graduate of grade 9 must meet the basic requirements:

  1. Simplicity, conciseness and clarity written. Characteristics should be easy to read.
  2. Maximum objectivity. For this purpose it is expedient to obtain information from other persons who worked with the student.
  3. Following the structure of the official document (for example, personal characteristics should not precede general information about the student).

Psychological-pedagogical map of the pupil

Psychological and pedagogical map of the student can beTo take for a basis on which the characterization for the graduate of 9 class will be constructed. Such a card is easy to fill during the period of the child's schooling. It consists of such elements:

  1. Educational activity: academic performance, interest in learning, love of reading, focus on any kind of professional activity.
  2. Behavior: discipline, level of conflict, motor activity / perseverance, how to be educated, aggressiveness.
  3. Socially useful activity: the degree of social activity, organizational abilities, attitude to public assignments, initiative, authority.
  4. Communication in the team: the presence of friends and ill-wishers, sociability, openness, responsiveness, influence on comrades.
  5. Psychological features: the degree of balance, self-esteem, purposefulness.
  6. Family situation: family status (full / incomplete), family atmosphere, the level of mutual understanding in it, the level of control, the degree of student independence, the parents' interest in the school life of the child.

characterization for a graduate of grade 9

Psychological characteristics of the student in the characteristic

Characteristics of the 9th grade graduate from the classroomleader (as indicated and in the map) includes the psychological characteristics of the student. These data the teacher can get from the school psychologist. These include:

  • the course of mental processes (the level of development of attention, memory, thinking);
  • emotional reactivity, tone and balance (type of temperament);
  • strong-willed qualities (self-control, determination, perseverance);
  • attitude to yourself (self-esteem, level of aspiration);
  • extra- or introversion (sociability, desire to be in the spotlight or alone);
  • character traits (altruism, empathy, goodwill, honesty, etc.).

Characteristics of the graduate for secondary specialized education

A student can continue studying at a college ortechnical school. In this case, the characterization of the graduate of class 9 for admission should be supplemented by specific moments that reflect the availability of the student's readiness to obtain a profession.

  1. The presence of abilities for this or that type of professional activity.
  2. Hobbies and inclinations suitable for this.
  3. Desire to comprehend the given profession and self-develop.

characteristic for graduate class 9 sample

Characteristics of the graduate of grade 9: sample


student 9-A grade ... (name of the school)

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

... the year of birth,

residing at ...

Ivanov Ivan has been studying at this school since 2000. Physically healthy, has no contraindications.

During this time he showed himself to be diligent,industrious pupil. I enjoyed the trust of teachers and the respect of my classmates. Educational ability is developed at the middle level, shows a tendency to the subjects of the social and humanitarian cycle.

Ivanov Ivan is a well-balanced, self-assured,but a modest man. His tactfulness, attentiveness and sociability allow him to find a common language with peers. Ivan has several friends, with the rest of the students maintained a neutral comradely relationship. It is non-aggressive, avoids conflict situations. He does not aspire to leadership, he prefers to work in a team. Responsible to the assignments of teachers and social activities.

Ivanov Ivan was raised in a full family. Parents are friendly, actively interested in the educational and social life of their son.

The characteristic is given at the place of demand.



If this is the characteristic of the graduate 9class for admission to secondary specialized educational institution, it must be supplemented with conclusions about its readiness to master professional activity (see the previous section).

Characteristics for a graduate of grade 9 from a class teacher

Characteristics for the graduate of the 9th class, the troenchnik: sample


student 9-A grade ... (name of the school)

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

... the year of birth,

residing at ...

Ivanov Ivan studied at this school from 2000 to 2002. Was transferred from ... (name of the school) because of the conflict situation in the team. Physically healthy, has no contraindications.

During my studies I showed myself to be weakdisciplined, but hardworking young man. The progress is below average. According to the academic disciplines of the mathematical and humanitarian cycle, it has "satisfactory" ratings. He showed no interest in these subjects, was inattentive and restless at lessons, did not perform homework assignments systematically. Physically well developed, was a participant in all sports events, so for physical education I received "excellent" marks.

Violations of discipline manifested in the disruption of lessons andconflicts with classmates. Despite this, to the elders Ivan treated with respect, responded to the comments. He was positive about social activities, he did not miss subbotniks.

According to the temperament Ivan - choleric - is quick-tempered,impulsive, characterized by high motor activity. This was the reason for the lack of discipline. Sociable, loves to be in the center of attention, responsive and just.

Ivan is interested in technology, has his own motorcycle. He is fond of football and boxing.

Ivanov Ivan was raised in an incomplete family. She has friendly relations with her mother, she was periodically interested in the success of her son at school because of her employment.

Ivan is recommended to continue his education in technical specialties, where he will be able to develop his skills and realize his interests.



Characteristics for a graduate of the 9th grade, a troika, should disclose the reasons for low achievement (hyperactivity, conflict, pedagogical neglect, etc.).

sample characteristics for graduate class 9 for admission

Characteristics of the honors: a sample


student 9-A grade ... (name of the school)

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

... the year of birth,

residing at ...

Ivanov Ivan studied at this school from the firstclass. During this time he showed himself as a purposeful, responsible student. Ivan is an excellent pupil and a regular participant of the Olympiads in physics, mathematics and chemistry. He was interested in learning activities, enthusiastically carried out additional creative tasks.

Ivan is disciplined and hardworking. Has leadership skills (3 years served as head of the class and a member of the school's student council). Logical thinking is developed at a high level. He likes to read, writes poetry, and does chess. To public activities is treated with respect, takes the initiative in matters of helping others.

According to the temperament Ivan is a phlegmatic: balanced, does not like vanity, and treats everything with his usual pedantry. Moderately sociable, has one friend in the team. Ivan is an introvert, therefore it is better to cope with the activity independently. It is respected by classmates and teachers.

Ivan was brought up in a full family. Parents are intelligent, regularly attended parental meetings, in matters of academic activity, they gave Ivan independence.


Signatures</ em </ p>

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