Grilled chicken
Grill - it's very convenient, and most importantly fastpreparation of various dishes. At first glance, this may seem difficult. But in fact, everything is not so. This article just proves it. The dish, which will be described in the article, is called "chicken grilled", everyone's favorite! Previously, something like this could be cooked in the oven, now every housewife has the opportunity to cook this fried chicken on a spit.
For owners of electric grills taskpreparation of this dish is greatly simplified. Since the only thing that is required is to pick up and correctly set the temperature on the scale, and also carefully watch that the dish is not burnt. If cooking is performed on a real grill, on an open fire, you will have to observe certain points. For example, using only completely dry wood as firewood, the coal intended for this purpose is also suitable. Kindling with the help of special combustible mixtures is categorically contraindicated, if there is no desire to eat meat with a taste of gasoline, the most ideal option is the classic one, i.e. use of paper.
Now, directly to cooking yourselfdishes. To do this, take one chicken, seasonings and salt. This is a simple option. If there is a desire to cook something unusual and a bit more tasty, then the chicken can be marinated before cooking.
If the second method is selected, then to startyou need to make a marinade. It is better not to buy ready, it is clear that time will be saved, but in ready marinades there are many impurities and different salts that are not very useful to a person. For the preparation of marinade at the rate of one kilogram of meat you will need: half a glass of soy vinegar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 4 tablespoons of sugar, preferably brown, 3 cloves of garlic, salt to taste and 1 teaspoon of sesame oil. All components must be mixed in a container, which can then be put on fire. For about two minutes, heat the mixture. After that, the future "grilled chicken" fits into a container and is filled with the received marinade. In this condition, the meat should be as long as possible, ideally about 12 hours. The longer, the more delicious it will be. Before you begin to fry, the remains of moisture are removed from the meat by means of paper towels, then sprinkled with spices and special herbs. As for seasoning, the best combination of chicken grilled has with rosemary and tarragon. If there is a desire to give the dish a more spicy and piquant taste, the meat can be rubbed with chili with which the main thing is not to overdo it, but for piquancy a mixture of cayenne pepper will suit. Turmeric will give meat a mouthwatering yellowish color.
In the case when the marinade mixture is not used, it is recommended that it is still possible to put the chicken in a cool place for a while, even if it is simply rubbed with spices and salt.
Grilled chicken on a spit can also beprepared very simply. The only difference from a coal grill is that it is pre-tied with a special fastener to the legs and is tied round and round several times so that the wings do not protrude. It is necessary in this way to prevent opening it in the process of frying on a spit.
Whichever grill is, traditional or electric, the main thing is not to allow its maximum heating, so that the grilled chicken does not turn into something that looks like coals.
Temperature when frying in an electric grillshould be about 150 degrees or slightly higher. Grilled chicken at this temperature, usually an hour and a half ready. After it is necessary to cut the meat into pieces, add garnish, in the form of potatoes for example, and serve to the table. All your favorite dish is ready!