/ How to cook pork ragout?

How to cook pork ragout?

Pork stew is a dish that is found inmany cuisines of different nations. It is prepared very simply and takes a little time. Most often, pork stew is made in combination with vegetables. Especially popular dishes with potatoes and cabbage. How to cook a pork ragout?

pork ragout

Features of the dish

Ragout with meat and potatoes, the recipe of which is described below,it turns out very tasty. This dish will appeal to adults and children alike. However, for the preparation of stew, only high-quality products should be used. Meat should be fresh. So the stew will turn out to be more gentle. It is best to use meat on the bone. Thanks to this, the taste of the ready-made dish will be more saturated.

To a pork stew, you must prepare a garnish. After all, the bones take up a considerable amount, and after their removal there will be a little meat, which is enough to feed only a few people. Such meat is ideally combined with boiled rice and puree from potatoes.

vegetable stew with meat and potato recipe

What is needed?

So, how is the vegetable stew prepared with meat and potatoes? Recipe for this dish can master every hostess. To prepare ragout, you will need:

  1. 500 grams of pork.
  2. 50 grams of vegetable oil.
  3. 2 heads of onions.
  4. 4 slices of garlic.
  5. 1.5 centimeter of ginger root.
  6. 1 fruit of quince.
  7. 1 carrot.
  8. 2 tomatoes.
  9. Herbs are dry. In this case, it is better to use mint, thyme, oregano, basil.
  10. Pepper ground red and black.
  11. Root of parsley and stalk of celery.
  12. The greens are fresh.
  13. Salt.

Preparation of products

To cook pork ragout, you should carefullyprepare all products. First you need to wash the meat in the running water. This will remove all splinters of bones. Piece of pork should be placed on a paper towel, folded into several layers. The meat must dry out. If the pieces are large, then they must be cut.

ragout with pork

While the meat dries, you can prepare vegetables. Onions, quince fruit and carrots should be cleaned. After that, it is worth chopping them. Onion and quince can be cut into cubes, not more than 1 centimeter thick, grate the carrots on a large grater, cut the celery root into pieces. Tomatoes must be filled with hot water, preferably with boiling water, and left for a few minutes. After this time, the vegetables should be peeled off and then chopped and placed in a separate bowl. The root of ginger and parsley is also worth grinding, finely chopping.

Heat treatment of meat

When the products are prepared, you can start the processcooking. Pork stew with vegetables will get more flavorful, if the ingredients will be heat treated separately. To begin with it is necessary to be engaged in meat. Place the frying pan on the fire. In it you need to pour in the vegetable oil and preheat until the appearance of a blue haze. After that, pork pieces must be put in the container. Meat should be fried until a golden hue appears on both sides.

Spread pork in preheated oil should beparts. Otherwise, the meat will be stewed. As a result, a golden crust on the product does not appear, and all the juice will flow out. Meat can become dry and hard.

Ready-made pieces of pork should be shifted tosaucepan. It is necessary to pour water here. The liquid should only lightly cover the pieces of meat. In the pan, add salt, pepper, chopped quince, ginger root and parsley, celery stalk. The container with food should be placed on a small fire. Its contents should be brought to a boil and stew for 40 minutes.

pork stew with vegetables

Adding vegetables

The pork stew is almost ready. Now you need to add the rest of the products. In a frying pan with heated oil should put onions and carrots. Vegetables should be fried until golden. At the same time, the products must be mixed regularly so that they do not burn out. When carrots become soft, chopped tomatoes should be added to the pan. Stew vegetables need more minutes 10.

Approximately 10 minutes before the ready-made stew withpork in a pan with meat, you must put the stewed vegetables, add herbs and spices. Ready stew with pork should be removed from the fire. In the end, the dish should be added garlic, previously passed through the press, fresh chopped greens. The container with stew should be tightly closed with a lid and leave for 5 minutes. During this time, the product must absorb the aromas of herbs.

Stew with potatoes

Pork stew with potatoes is a nourishing dish, which is prepared from low-fat meat. In this case, you should use a brisket. To prepare a dish you need:

  1. 500 grams of pork.
  2. 4 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste.
  3. 7 potatoes.
  4. 2 carrots.
  5. 2 heads of onions.
  6. Root of parsley.
  7. 50 grams of margarine.
  8. 1 tbsp. a spoon of wheat flour.
  9. A pinch of black pepper ground.
  10. 1.2 liters of water.
  11. ½ tsp of salt.

What to do with meat?

Pork should be washed, dried and cut into pieces. In the heated pan it is necessary to lay out the meat and gently fry it for 10 minutes. You do not need to add oil.

pork ragout with potatoes

Separately it is worth heating the water, and then pour it into a pork tank. You should also add tomato paste here. Stew should be all until half cooked. This takes about 15 minutes.

After the specified time the pork should be taken out ofsauce and put into a saucepan, the volume of which is 3 liters. A dry and clean frying pan must be placed on the fire, and fry the flour in it until golden. This takes no more than a minute.

The final stage

In the sauce, which was left after extinguishing the meat,add roasted flour, pepper and salt. The mass must be mixed well. Carrots, onions and potatoes should be cleaned, washed, and then cut into cubes not more than 2 centimeters thick.

Prepared vegetables should be fried inmargarine for 15 minutes. After that, the products should be placed in a container, where the pork is located. All this must be poured with a sauce and 1 glass of water. Stew with a pork stew for half an hour under the lid.

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