/ / Tomato Rio Grande: variety description and cultivation

Tomato Rio Grande: variety description and cultivation

Incredible variety of modern varieties andhybrids of tomatoes can discourage even the experienced truck farmers, not to mention the petty cottage dweller or the end consumer of all favorite vegetables. Not wishing to be confused, choosing a tomato variety, it is better to give preference to classical known species. For example, the Rio Grande is a very common, the most famous sort of tomato medium ripening period. Despite the versatility and relative old age of the Rio Grande, this variety is popular, high-yielding and resistant to stressful growing conditions. It was bred by Dutch breeders.

Tomato Rio Grande

Tomato Rio Grande: a description of the fruits

The tomatoes themselves have a high dry contentsubstances. Due to this, they are dense and strong, easily transported over a long distance and can be stored for a long time. Fruits are oblong plum shaped, they are fleshy, have thick walls, but less juicy than large soft tomatoes. Tomatoes Rio Grande, reviews about which are the most positive, tasty, moderately sweet and moderately acidic, very fragrant.

Tomato Rio Grande Reviews

Cooking application

Use tomatoes fresh in salads, in driedand dried with pizza or pasta. Due to its density, the Rio Grande tomato is ideal for grilling, cooking ketchup and tomato pastes, pickling and pickling. Ukrainian and Russian housewives most often use these vegetables for salting, since they remain in shape even in a sausage form. But tomato juice from them turns out very thick.
By the way, a tomato is one of the few fruits,which scientists and nutrition experts recommend to eat just cooked, because in the process of heat treatment this wonderful vegetable becomes only more useful.

Tomato Rio Grande Description

Peculiarities of growing

No more special manipulations withthe cultivation of tomatoes of this class is not required. Tomato Rio Grande, more precisely, its seeds, planted on seedlings in pots and sprout in a warm place. The seeds themselves before planting do not need anything, caring Dutchmen did all this before selling them. If the seeds are good, bought in a specialized place, and not in the underground passage of 15 rubles. for packing with an error in the name of the variety, they can not but germinate. From a warm place sprouted seedlings are carried to the sunlight in early May, and there she is a day still living in a pot, getting used to the new conditions. If the yard is already more than 15 degrees, then the stems can be safely planted in the ground. For such a responsible business, only the strongest of sprouting shoots with at least five leaves fit. From shoots of stalks to the beginning of ripening 125 days are required. The bush itself grows in height somewhere 50-60 cm. Fruits are well tied even at high air temperature. This variety is resistant to parasites and diseases, so it is not necessary to treat the bushes or seeds with poisons.

If the climatic conditions of the territory permit,a variety of Rio Grande tomato can be grown in a non-seedlent way. This greatly simplifies the life of the trucker. He just walks out on to the street in one glorious May day, looks at a thermometer that shows 15 degrees or more, takes seeds, puts them in a hole, pours and waits. The only thing you need to work on is digging a hole deeper, just in case an unexpected frost breaks in at night (even in May, sometimes it happens).

variety tomato ri grande


This criterion when choosing a tomato variety ismost important for those who are engaged in their cultivation on a large scale. High yield of this variety is due to its resistance to unfavorable environmental conditions. Too fresh or sour soil, heat or high humidity is not a serious obstacle to the maturation of these fruits. Tomato Rio Grande - this is exactly the sort that forgives truck farmers most of the mistakes of agricultural machinery.

Tomato Rio Grande: storage features

Solid and dense tomatoes of the Rio Grande variety inthe right conditions can be stored for a very long time. The ideal temperature for storing these vegetables is 4-10 degrees. In the village the best place where tomatoes can long wait for their triumph on a plate is a clean cellar. If there is no cellar, a modest amount of them can be stored in the refrigerator without problems. If the plans of the housewife - to store tomatoes for a very long time, they need to be collected a little unsuccessfully.

Tomato Rio Grande, the description of which is given above, is very popular in Russia and Ukraine.

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