/ What if low hemoglobin in an infant?

What if low hemoglobin in an infant?

What is hemoglobin? A lot of talk and talk about him. It is very dangerous when it is lowered. What is the danger of low hemoglobin in an infant? This is what the article is about.

Hemoglobin in itself is a complex protein inour body. Its purpose can be called the delivery of oxygen in the human body to various tissues and organs. It enters the structure of the blood, that is, specifically in the composition of red bodies (erythrocytes).

A person who has lowered hemoglobin canfeel very bad. If the child suffers from a deficiency of hemoglobin, then things are even worse. Constantly it hurts and dizzy, there is no mood. You feel a constant lethargy, and general fatigue. For example, when a person with a lowered hemoglobin is sitting and then abruptly gets up, then he immediately becomes dark in the eyes, dizzy, and he becomes ill. One of the symptoms of decreased hemoglobin can be noted dry skin. She becomes dry and pale.

The causes and consequences of the fact that hemoglobina baby can be low, a huge amount. For example, anemia, which as a result inhibits the child's mental development. The cause of low hemoglobin in children can be poor nutrition and insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. Also in infants, the disease can develop as a result of an early transition to artificial nutrition, which may be due to the use of non-adaptive feed mixtures. Breast milk can not be given cow or goat milk, nor do you need to teach a child from childhood only to vegetarian food.

If you know the symptoms of the disease, then be sureit is recommended to take tests. In particular, this is a blood test, which will show the level of hemoglobin. His normal level for men is 130. In girls and women - 120. In children under the age of one, he can be 110.

How to raise low hemoglobin in an infant? You can follow this in several ways.

  1. Medicine. In modern pharmacies, sell a lot of various vitamins and pills that can help increase the level of hemoglobin in the body. For babies, as a rule, iron-containing preparations are prescribed.
  2. This is the right food. Hemoglobin itself is found in natural and fresh products. Almost all red fruits and vegetables contain hemoglobin in their structure. Breast children are best fed with special mixtures, but do not exclude meat from the diet. Especially hemoglobin is very much in the composition of red beets. It is simply boiled and eaten daily. This helps increase hemoglobin in the blood and improve health.

Deficiency of hemoglobin is an iron deficiency inorganism. Iron is directly an integral element of our body. Its lowering entails a very dangerous and unpleasant disease - anemia. Less than half of the total population of Russia is affected by malocclusion. But all this is due to an improper diet. A deficiency of iron can cause a syncope in a person, and weaken immunity.

People with such problems are encouraged to eatapples. The presence of vitamins, in particular C, will help assimilate iron by the body several times faster. Apples are rich in this vitamin, so their joint use with meat, very helps to restore iron in the body.

In order to avoid such problems, allshould closely monitor their diet. Prevention of anemia is very important and requires special attention. Timely consumption of vitamins or the constant consumption of those foods in which much iron is needed by the body will save a person from developing such an insidious disease.

Low hemoglobin in an infant is onefrom modern problems. It can occur for several reasons. One of these reasons is the low iron content in the mother's body. Lack of vitamins in the first months of life can also cause low hemoglobin in an infant. Any violations in the body of the mother - it can be disease, metabolic disorders, and others - can provoke the development of the disease.

Special vitamins that are present inmodern infant nutrition, will help raise the low hemoglobin in the baby. The main thing is to find out this problem in a timely manner and take the necessary measures to eliminate it. Usually the diagnosis is put immediately, with blood tests, even in the hospital. Therefore, as a rule, starting on time treatment will not be difficult, as a result, you can achieve an early recovery.

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