/ / Hemoglobin in children up to one year: the norm, causes of decline, treatment of deficiency

Hemoglobin in children up to one year: the norm, the causes of decline, the treatment of a deficit

Hemoglobin is the main elementerythrocytes and is responsible for the supply of oxygen to all organs and tissues. Its deficiency in the body leads to hypoxic states, i.e. to oxygen deficiency. Therefore, the control of hemoglobin in the blood during pregnancy is necessary all the time.

hemoglobin in children under one year of age
Children are born mostly with a very high levelof this element in the blood (from 150 to 220 hl). Then there is a decrease, and by one or two months, it usually ranges from 90 to 120 hl. After the introduction of lactation, the indicator begins to increase, therefore, hemoglobin in children under one year in the range from 105 to 140 hl is considered normal.

How to diagnose a decline in this indicator? In addition to increased fatigue and drowsiness, children are noted for dry skin, frequent colds, decreased appetite, developmental lag, both physically and psychologically. Reduced hemoglobin in children under one year indicates an anemic condition in the mother during pregnancy. Lack of iron is experienced by more than 50 percent of pregnant women. The best prevention of this disease is early diagnosis. To return hemoglobin back to normal, a woman is prescribed iron supplements and a special diet.

what hemoglobin in children
Reduced hemoglobin in children before and afterit is necessary to restore. Without iron, the body will suffer, the child will often get sick with intestinal and viral diseases, accumulation of carbon dioxide provokes toxic conditions. Therefore, at the first signs of manifestation, you should immediately give a general blood test. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the pediatrician will prescribe the treatment.

When a child is breastfeedingrecommend to adjust the nutrition of the mother, focusing on iron-containing foods. Low hemoglobin in children under the age of one, being on artificial feeding, is restored by prescribing formula containing iron. If these measures do not work, special medications are prescribed, according to the age of the child. However, in this form, iron is poorly absorbed by the body, for the improvement of the process, ascorbic and folic acid are needed.

What hemoglobin in children should be in the future? The indicators will not change much. By the age of six, the lower limit of the norm will be 110 hl, to twelve - 115 hl, and by fifteen and further - 120 hl.

elevated hemoglobin in a child
In some cases, the reverse anemia is notedphenomenon. Elevated hemoglobin in a child indicates the presence of certain diseases. The causes can be such pathologies as oncology, blood thickening, intestinal obstruction, congenital heart anomalies, cardiopulmonary insufficiency, erythrocytosis, burn lesions.

In any of the above cases, as a resultblood viscosity increases, its composition worsens, arterial pressure increases, the risk of heart attacks increases. The success of treatment depends on the positive dynamics of the disease, which caused an increase in hemoglobin in the blood.

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