/ / Drug "Chiktonik": instructions for use, description

Preparation "Chiktonik": instructions for use, description

Drugs used to enhancethe productivity of poultry and animals, there are many. One of the most popular and widely used is the "Chiktonik". Instruction for its use too many steps in itself does not include, besides it is an absolutely harmless and very effective tool.

general description

It is a drug "Chiktonik"dark brown liquid, bottled. Give it to animals and birds orally - usually add to the drink. The beneficial effect of this remedy is due to the high content of various kinds of vitamins (A, B, D) and very useful amino acids.

instruction book

The main action of the drug"Chiktonik" (instructions for use for birds, cattle, rabbit, rabbits, etc., will be considered below), the organism of agricultural and ornamental animals is the normalization of metabolism. Using this tool allows:

  • Increase the productivity of poultry andanimals in terms of weight gain. The drug "Chiktonik", the instruction for use for broilers which is exactly the same as for laying hens and any other economic livestock, stimulates the growth and development of young animals due to replenishment of the missing vitamins and amino acids in the body.

  • Reduce embryonic mortality. When using the "Chiktonik" tool, for example, the percentage of chick hatchability during incubation is significantly increased.

  • Reduce the impact of young growth due to various diseases. "Chiktonik" not only stimulates the development of muscle tissue, but also strengthens the body, and also increases its resistance to infections.

  • Improve the skin condition in animals and plumage in birds.

  • Significantly increase the egg laying of laying hens.

  • Quickly restore the body of poultry and farm animals after taking harmful antibiotics.

  • Reduce the risk of cannibalism. In this regard, it is very useful to use "Chiktonik" for birds. The instruction for using it is simple, and it is not difficult to introduce it into the body of the same chickens. In this case, the sulfur that is part of the preparation has a beneficial effect. After all, as noticed by summer residents, it is the lack of this substance that causes the bird to have such a pathology, as the burlap.

  • Increase appetite in young animals.

What you should know about

In particular, it is useful to solder this drugchickens, ducks, rabbits, goats and cows in the winter. After all, it is during this period that a serious lack of vitamins is observed in the feed. In the summer, "Chiktonik" is most often given to those animals that must quickly gain weight. It can be, for example, broilers, rabbit and goat meat breeds, etc.

chiktonik instructions for birds

"Chiktonik": instructions for use

As already mentioned, Chiktonik is given to animals andbirds with drink. One-liter of water is mixed with 1-2 ml of the drug. Periodicity of receptions should be 1 time per day for 5-7 days. Young will be enough 1 ml of the drug per liter, an adult bird and animals better to solder 2 ml each.

That's the way they use the drug"Chiktonik". Instructions for use for birds and animals it is absolutely identical. It is practically impossible to do any harm in using it. Some owners of household plots, for example, give 2 ml per liter of preparation even to day-old chickens. And there's nothing wrong with this. However, we do not recommend doing this. For chicks, the recommendations given by the manufacturer regarding the young are to be observed.

chiktonik user manual


Opinion about the preparation "Chiktonik", instruction onthe use of which is elementary, the owners of out-of-town household plots have developed very well. Experienced summer residents are advised to solder the creature preparation in the mornings. In this case, not too much water should be poured into the trough. It should be enough so that the animals drank it all. Then you can pour pure water into the drinking bowls.

Since this drug is still unnatural,Experienced cattle breeders are not advised to take an interest in it. Give "Chiktonik" rabbits, goats, chickens, etc., should only be as necessary. For example, if the livestock does not gain weight, after treatment with antibiotics, with a decrease in the egg-laying of chickens, etc. Of course, this preparation should not be used for prevention or as a normal vitamin supplement.


Side effects and contraindications for use

As already mentioned, the drug "Chiktonik"the instruction for use of which was considered by us above, is considered absolutely harmless. When observing doses and rules of soldering, it does not cause any side effects. You can give "Chiktonik" to absolutely any farm animals and poultry. Some pet lovers solder it even to dogs (mainly to improve the appearance of the coat). Contraindication to the taking of this remedy can only be individual intolerance in the animal or sensitivity to the ingredients contained in the formulation.

The slaughter of rabbits, goats and chickens taking Chiktonik can be made without any restrictions. Waiting for some time after his last reception is optional.

chiktonik instructions for broilers

How to store

To be sold "Chiktonik", the instruction onthe use of which, as you can see, is quite simple, can either in liter bottles, or in penicillin. Of course, the latter option is much more suitable for household homesteads. The fact is that in a closed bottle this drug can be stored for up to 2 years. In the open or sealed, it is not too tight to lose its properties, it can quite quickly. In any case, store bottles with Chiktonik in a cool, dry place and, of course, away from children.

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