/ / Medication "Rumikoz": reviews and instructions for use

Medication "Rumikoz": reviews and instructions for use

An effective remedy for fungi is the drug "Rumikoz". The doctors' comments indicate that the medicine is good for nail fungus.

rumikoz reviews

Pharmacological properties

The drug "Rumikoz" has activity onrelation to many fungi. He copes with dermatophytes, microspores, epidermophytones, trichophytons, yeast-like fungi. The drug is fighting against pitirosporums, cryptococci, penicillium, cladosporium, paracoccidioidosis, aspergillus, geotrichum, trichosporon, candida, histoplasm, sporotrichs, blastomycosis. The main active ingredient is itraconazole. The agent is produced in the form of a solution and capsules that are taken orally. In addition to the drug "Rumikoz", patients' reviews about which are good, you can use the analogs: Miconihol, Orungal, Irunin, Itramikol, Itrazol. These drugs, thanks to the introduction of itraconazole, also manage the fungus well.

application of murine

"Rumikoz" - a drug prescribed for treatmentfungal keratitis, onychomycosis, dermatomycosis, systemic aspergillosis, candidosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis. The drug will help with blastomycosis, sporotrichosis, paracoccidioidomycosis, visceral deep candidiasis, blastomycosis, pityriasis, systemic tropical mycoses, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes. Well respond about the drug patients who used it in cryptococcal meningitis. The use of medicines for patients with immunodeficiency or fungal lesions of the nervous system is possible only if the main therapy has not been performed or no improvement has occurred. Analogues of the drug can also be used according to the indications.

"Rumikoz" medication: instructions for use, price

When vulvovaginal candidiasis is takenthe drug is necessary for 200 mg once a day for three days. With smooth skin dermatomycosis and pityriasis, medication is used in the same way for a week, fungal keratitis - for three weeks.

rumikoz instruction on application price
When oral candidiasis should be consumed 100mg of the agent once a day for two weeks. The drug "Rumikoz" (reviews of patients testify to this) perfectly copes with the fungus on the nails. Treatment of this pathology is made by a two-time intake of 400 mg of medicament per day for a week. If there is a fungus on the hands, two such courses should be taken, and in order to get rid of the lesion on the legs, three approaches will be necessary. At the same time, a three-week break is made between the courses. The cost of the medicine is approximately 330 rubles.

Side effects and contraindications

During treatment, suchnegative reactions like nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation. The cause of headache, worsening appetite, the emergence of allergies may also be the reception of "Rumikoz". The responses of some patients say that after using the tablets, their hair began to fall out. Indeed, the drug can provoke baldness, as well as cause hypokalemia, heart failure, menstrual irregularities. It is forbidden to take medicine when hypersensitivity to the active ingredient.

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