How to get rid of warts?
There is a belief that if you touch the toadsor frogs, you will certainly get nasty warts. However, this is far from the truth. Many who have not even seen the frogs in their eyes, do not know how to get rid of warts. They do not cause pain, but they do not bring anything good and the aesthetic appearance is far from different. As a rule, they appear in adolescence, when young men and girls have enough problems. Therefore, the emergence of warts adds its "fly in the ointment" and more often the question arises "how to get rid of warts."
Warts are an easy form of cutaneoustumors, which can be located singly or in groups. All of them are called hard papillomavirus. They can appear on any part of the body, but more often on the hands, feet or face. Get rid of plantar warts as soon as possible, as this gives a lot of problems when walking.
About 75% of people have ever had these unpleasantneoplasms. By the way, before deciding how to get rid of warts, they still need to be properly "calculated". You need to make sure that this is not a birthmark, bone or normal callus or other skin formation. Warts have skin color, pale appearance and uneven surface. More often they have a rim.
Modern methods how to get rid of wartsoffer such methods as laser, moxibustion, excision, freezing. They can both help and not help, but leave scars and "give" a lot of pain. In addition, they can again arise.
If you have a small number of warts and they do not "multiply", leave them alone, in theory in two years they will disappear on their own. If their number is growing steadily, it's time to take action.
You need to start with simple actions, perform them for a long time and if the effect is not observed, then proceed to "combat" actions.
Effective is the method usingvitamin A. It is necessary to take a capsule containing 25000 IU of vitamin A from fish oil or liver fat, and squeeze out the liquid onto the wart from it. So do it once daily. Get rid of flat warts will be obtained within 4 months.
Some praise such a recipe: take vitamin C and water. Make a paste, rub into the wart and apply a bandage. Vitamin C can irritate the skin, so you only need to lubricate the wart.
You can also drip a drop of castor oil and bandage the wart. You need to do this twice a day.
There are special preparations containingsalicylic acid. It can be an ointment, a liquid, a suspension. It is believed that salicylic acid softens the wart and helps to disappear. But such drugs are contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes and blood circulation disorders. A plaster with 40% salicylic acid is especially effective, especially for plantar warts. It is important that the plaster covers only the wart, and not the entire surface of the arm or leg, since a burn is possible. On the perimeter of the wart can be lubricated with petroleum jelly.
Mass of raw berries are regularly applied to the wart.
Helps dry ice, which store ice cream. It must also be applied to the wart and held until patience is enough. Then wrap in newspapers and cellophane and hide in the freezer. Do this three times a day. They say that it takes two days.
Lubricate the surface of the wart with celandine juice, it has an orange color closer to the root - this is exactly what juice is needed.
Another very important thing is to believe that wartswill disappear. There were cases when children were given vitamins and said that this is a very powerful cure for warts - and, oh, a miracle! - warts disappeared. The same was the method. When the wart was rubbed with a coin, and then buried under a porch.