/ / Raisins: calorie and benefits

Raisins: calorie and benefits

Undoubtedly, the benefit of raisins is hidden under sweetthe skin. After all, raisins are the same grapes, only devoid of water base. It not only preserves all the useful qualities of grapes, but also presents them to us in a concentrated form. The composition of minerals and vitamins contained in this treat is quite diverse. In addition to sugar, which is represented in considerable quantities, dried berries contain fructose and glucose, niacin, nitrogenous substances, unsaturated fatty acids, ash, B group vitamins, magnesium, iron, boron and many other substances that play a significant role in preserving and multiplying our health .
Recipes of medicines have been known since ancient times, inwhose composition includes raisins. Of course, its caloric content is also unquestionable, but this does not mean that it should be excluded from the list of dietary products.

Before counting how many calories in a suit,let's see what benefit it can bring. It turns out that due to the high content of vitamins in combination with organic acids, raisins protect health of the oral cavity, effectively fight against dental diseases. Oleic acid, present in it, suppresses the reproduction of bacteria and microorganisms in the oral cavity. And biologically active substances in its composition are beneficial in general for teeth and gums.

For the treatment of heart disease has long been usedraisins. Caloric content was not a hindrance. It not only strengthens the heart muscle, but also increases the general vitality, gives vigor and strength during illness, "raises to the feet." He also successfully confronts anemia of limbs and kidney diseases.
The ability to eliminate swelling is another usefulproperty has raisins. Caloric value of it will not exactly harm the figure with this method of treatment. After all, to get an explicit effect, you do not need to eat it. It is enough to mix steamed berries with animal fat and apply this mass to a sore spot.
Dried grapes are good for nervoussystem. The best remedy for stress is to regularly eat raisins! This will also help to strengthen the lungs and heart. Raisins, as well as grapes, especially its red grades, improves the absorption of calcium. That is why it is especially useful to women during pregnancy and during the menopause. Since the need for calcium in both cases almost doubles.

Potassium, magnesium and manganese, present in it insufficient amount, regulate the work of the thyroid gland. Raisins perfectly copes with the task of increasing the body's resistance, so it is often prescribed as an immunostimulant to children during the off-season spread of viral diseases and to patients who are weakened by prolonged chronic diseases.

The benefits that raisins bring are quite long agostudied. However, there are also minor contraindications for the use of this "tasty medicine". Because of the high content of sugary substances, raisins should be consumed with great care by people suffering from diabetes or completely excluded from their diet. Compote of raisins can be consumed by diabetics for food, since in this case the amount of sugar decreases, and the useful substances remain practically unchanged. Raisins, the calorie content of which is about 330 kcal per 100 grams, is not recommended for people with increased weight. The daily rate for them is better limited to 75 grams.

If you still do not want to include in your dietraisins because of fear to gain excess weight, think about the fact that, for example, the caloric content of a cake with raisins can equal the calories of a handful of raisins, and the use of the latter will be incomparable.

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