/ / Creon. Instructions for use.

Creon. Instructions for use.

Abundance of medicines on the shelves of pharmaciesrather not happy, but alarming: how much it is necessary to be ill, so that all these preparations are in demand! The pharmaceutical industry is today considered to be one of the most profitable and rapidly developing. But to clarify the situation with what medicine and under what circumstances it is necessary to buy, no company aspires - all simply advertise the product, painting its effectiveness and usefulness for everyone. But, of course, we are already quite literate in order to understand - a panacea for all ills does not exist, and therefore you need to have the maximum knowledge about the action of each most popular drug, especially if it is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Today's theme is Creon. Instructions for the use of the medication states that kreon is a product containing enzymes. In other words, this drug does not kill the infection and does not purify the body of viruses - it delivers into the digestive system those substances that it lacks.

Externally, the drug is a translucentCapsules containing minimospheres of Creon. Tablets in this case would be much less effective, since after dissolving the capsule shell, the minimosphere of the active substance is instantly mixed with the contents of the stomach and then with intestinal contents. Moving along the gastrointestinal tract, small capsules reach the small intestine, in which the shell of any particular capsule dissolves, resulting in the release of an enzyme that helps disintegrate, that is, simply digest, such complex organic compounds as fats, starch, lipids.

Probably, the ordinary consumer is not very interestingknow exactly what creon is made of. The instruction for the use of the preparation describes in detail all the components, but they also say little to the consumer, like any Latin names. It is more important for us to understand what the Creon preparation can specifically help.

Why do enzymes need a healthy person? The answer is unequivocal: they do not need him. Additional enzymes are required for gastrointestinal diseases, namely, if the pancreas is not working well enough. In this case, the degree of severity of the disease can be different: from chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer to complex therapy of dysbacteriosis with the detection of mild organ dysfunction. So, if the pancreas is affected to some extent, a cremon is prescribed. Instructions for use of the drug indicates the need for discussion with the doctor dosage and frequency of admission. Indeed, with such a large difference in diagnoses, there will certainly be a difference in the body's need for enzymes. In addition, the dose depends on the patient's body weight. Therefore, the final word on how many enzymes the body needs is left for the treating doctor.

Now on how to apply Creon. Instructions for use describe the need to take a third of the capsule before eating, and the rest of the contents - directly during meals. But in practice, doctors recommend simply taking the capsule during meals, swallowing it without chewing and drinking with water, preferably in large quantities. This method is also convenient with children, which generally seems difficult drug use - not every child can swallow a capsule. It helps that the taste of the capsule is neutral, and the spherical shape helps to swallow, if it is really plentiful to take the medicine.

It is proved that creon contributes to normalizationdigestion. However, each person's body is individual, and even very positive clinical studies do not guarantee the absence of side effects. In this case, they look like abdominal pain, diarrhea, stool disorders. However, this type of reaction is extremely rare, which makes it possible to use creona for the treatment of the youngest patients.

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